Search Results: 5 Powerful Reasons to Work with a Relationship

5 Powerful Reasons to Work with a Relationship Coach

As a Dating and Relationship Coach, there are singles out there who do not have a good understanding of what I really do, and how I and other relationship coaches like myself can really help people. So I have decided to...

Is this behavior a dealbreaker in a relationship?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2.5 years, and he had some trouble in the past with this relationship. I am very patient with him, yet he seems to disappoint me by his actions for lack of better terms. For...
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2.5 years, and he had some trouble in the past with this relationship. I am very patient with him, yet he seems to disappoint me by his actions Show More
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Most Powerful Justice League Members: My Top Ten

I already did one about the Avengers . This one is about the Justice League just like I promised. It wasn't easy to make this list since most of them would make good candidates for the top spot. If you have a different...

Coach Lee Is the Best Relationship Coach I’ve Ever Heard

I share this Take because what I myself have learned from Coach Lee has been quite powerful, and I would like the rest of the GaG community to get the scoop on him and check him out yourselves, especially if you are...

Let's Be Practical: How To End A Relationship And Minimize The Stress!

I present here another rewrite of one of my earlier myTakes. Some breakups occur suddenly. You make a surprise visit to his apartment and find him in bed with the girl who you thought was your best friend. You scream and...
OlderAndWiser u

How to Escape The Friendzone in Just 5 Steps

“Oh, we’re just friends.” As a guy who's trying his best to attract this one special girl, don’t you hate hearing those words?! It turns a friendship platonic, impotent and limp. It makes your lust for her seem so...

Nice Guys vs Bad Boys – Top 9 Reasons “Being Nice” Won’t Get You the Girl

Reason 9: When you’re busy asking her, “Should I pick you up? Where should we go? What should we eat? ” she’s busy thinking, “I don’t care either! Why can’t you just be a man and make a decision for us? ” The...
30 144 See More

8 Reasons Why "Blood Is Not Thicker Than Water"

Blood Is Thicker Than Water" Debunked Hi guys and girls. I hope your day is going fantastic! In this MyTake, I will be covering 8 reasons why the saying "blood is thicker than water" is emotionally and psychologically...

Real women can do these 5 things

Last week @Wowgirl30q decided to do a list on real men, Real men can do these five things and i thought her list was harsh but fair. However, it's not the first time i've seen it done. Such criticism towards women however...

My 30 Favorite Songs of Love, Relationships and Romance (Part 1)

This My Take thing has had me baffled. I've made several attempts in the past but they've never worked out. I'm hoping that this time things will be different. Here I'd just like to introduce you to 15 of 30 of my...

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

Belonging to guy culture has some supposed perks including being lazier and not having as much grooming maintenance but girl culture to me feels more vibrant and freeing. Here are some of my reasons on why. 1. Colors...

8 reasons why I'm not a Feminist! (From a Christian perspective)

First of, I want to start this by saying I believe that men and women are not equal, they're equal only in their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they are the same in aptitude, skill or...

5 Underrated Values of Guys That Actually Make a Difference

We all love the fairytale aspects of relationships. Yet, at the end of the day, relationships rise and fall because of very simple, unsexy, reasons. Here are five things that sound really stupid and you'll probably roll...

Becoming Irresistible: Dating Expert Marni Battista's Opinions

Marni Battista , founder of Dating with Dignity , has professional training in dating and relationship coaching as well as training in the Core Energy Coaching Process from the Institute of Professional Excellence in...
gagTake a

The Soulmate Experience with Mali and Joe: You DON'T Have to Fight, and How Jealousy Can be Healthy

Bitter about relationships? Don't like the idea of dating because it seems futile? Refuse to believe in the idea of a "soulmate?" Maybe it's just because we're all conditioned to be bitter and dismissive and...

How To Know If Someone Is Jealous Of You: 9 Signs Of Obsessive Jealousy

Jealousy is rooted in feelings of inadequacy and insecurities .It surfaces when a person's place in life is threatened by someone else.They feel threatened by your success, competence, popularity or attractiveness.The...

Tragedy at the Falls: Women and Emotions!

Men, this is for you, it's about women's emotions and a part of your value to them. Women, enjoy this true story! We met on GAG! Our 2nd date was going nicely, perfect summer weather, I had fun adventures planned for the...

Observations on Behavior in Dating: A Battle Between the Sexes

This may trigger some people because whether you want to admit it or not, everyone does at least a few of these things when dating. I am equally guilty of doing some of these things too. As I have been on this site for a...

Expert Theories: The 'Love Biologist' - Dawn Maslar

Love is a powerful emotion. It engages us on all levels, mind, soul and body. The emotional intensity of Love is undeniable, but so are the physical effects it has on a person as they go through the process of meeting...
gagTake a

Why I am STILL on G@G

My take on the relationship of a random guy on internet with a website Namaste from India. It is always a pleasure when people around the world read what you have to say. This paragraph is a little bit off-topic and is...