Search Results: Do girls fall easily for guys

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

The Protector What is with chivalry? Do women even need men? What are you really saying when you open the door for a woman? Give her your jacket? Help her with a heavy task, or in trouble? Offer to escort her? Pull out...

What Women REALLY Want? Cutting trough the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit... (Part 1)

I wish I could do a male version of this, but as it is, I only have insight into the brains of my fellow women. So let's begin now, shall we? ^^ You all heard  unclear, misleading  ideas men toss around like that...

10 Stereotypes About Guys Who Are Into Gym Culture

Not every single stereotype might be always true for anyone, but from my experience those are the most dominant stereotypes I've noticed so far, when it comes to bodybuilders, or just people who are very much into fitness...

Cute Girls Doing Cute Things

Cute girls attract men more than beautiful girls. Some girls have a natural attractive look and features and some have adorable personalities. Looking cute in front of friends and lovers is what every girl wants. For some...

7 Reasons Why Women Fall for Guys with the Emotional IQ of a Gnat

You hear it all the time. "Why the hell is she with HIM?" How often have men and women debated the question, sitting in bars or clubs or restaurants, gazing about for juicy conversation topics? How many times have girls...

A Guy's Guide to Girls, Part 2: Where to Meet

So, for those of you just jumping into this little series please go read part one first.. As promised in part one, this time I will categorize people into a few main categories and tell you who you should be looking for...

Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships

Not that long ago Asians were thought of as a "peril," with WW2 propaganda portraying them as almost subhuman. At that time, our government locked them up in internment camps right here in the US, and even though we were...

5 Rules For Staying Out of the Friend Zone - For The Guys

While there are many that would argue the existence of the proverbial friend zone, there's no arguing that there are probably hundreds of thousands of guys who are being told, "I see you only as a friend" at this precise...

Stop Obsessing Over Your Boyfriend's Girl Friends/Girlfriend's Boy Friends

One question I come across on here a lot is always something along the lines of "is it ok for my girlfriend to have guy friends?" or "my boyfriend is talking to other girls, what should I do - I'm jealous?" This is...

The Four Noble Truths: A Guide to Help "Nice Guys" Even the Dating Field

Self proclaimed "nice guys" and 30 year old single losers take heed. This guide is for your benefit. I composed it after weeks of soul searching, research, and analytical thinking in order to benefit you. There are a lot...

Girls: Dating 101: True Love Waits

This is going to be the first in a series of Dating 101 myTakes I will be doing. I will take one very common question, scenario, dilemma or subject, and unpack it, decrypt it, explain or explore it. Some will focus on...

20+ guys need to stop going after minors and minor girls Need To Stop acting Grown

Honestly some 14 year old girls are looking more like 21 or 23 these days but that doesn't mean y'all have to act like it. I'm fed up with these young chicks going after guys that ar 20-26 like seriously go graduate h.s...

A Guy's Guide to Girls, Part 1: First Dates

Over the Years Over my years of living I couldn't tell you how many relationships I've been in. I get friends ask me all the time "How do you get so many women Connor?" and "I've been single for 9 months! You've had 4...

The RIGHT vs. WRONG to break a date with a guy.

I'm writing this take just as my two cents for how women should properly break a date with a guy. Just yesterday I had girl flake out & ghost me on a date. Just a FYI meeting up was originally her idea too. I did...

How To Know If A Guy Likes You

I have listed down below the body language of men which will clearly indicate whether he likes you or not. The points below have been written keeping the level of relationship in mind. Each point is a progress in...

How To Get A Girl (the actual truth in 4 simple steps)

Step 1:Learn to think like a man Men don't beat around the bush, they don't use emotional reasoning like "everyone is different" or "that's not nice". Who the fuck cares? The answer is the girl does. She cares about...

Guys Losing Interest After Sex: Ladies, Wanna Know Why?

Assuming that he was even considering a relationship... The thrill of "the chase" and the fantasy of it is really good, like seeing the dessert tray before dinner! Yum! Anticipation of intimacy is the great buildup of...

Why do we often overlook the good people?

I was reading some of the responses on one guy's forum, bout him not being into partying every weekend and stuff, and wanting to find a girl. He fit into the good guy group, so of course a bunch of guys got on there...
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Guy Culture in a Nutshell and Why It's Awesome

(Insert dick joke here) Being a guy doesn't just mean having a penis and using your penis (although that's a big part of it), being a guy means being awesome. Living life. Taking risks and chances. Fucking with and...
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