Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships


Not that long ago Asians were thought of as a "peril," with WW2 propaganda portraying them as almost subhuman. At that time, our government locked them up in internment camps right here in the US, and even though we were at war with the Japanese, we tended to paint all Asians with the same brush.

During the 40s and 50s, the mere concept of a white man and an Asian woman was that of forbidden love, and that was seen in popular movies of the time like South Pacific. Since the end of the Vietnam war, white men have increasingly said "to hell with it" and went into relationships with Asian women, but WMAF couples have met with mixed results when it comes to acceptance.

That hatred rarely comes from overtly prejudiced groups like the KKK and neonazis bent on racial purity, though. Most of the time #WMAF couples get the dirty eye from people who are otherwise accepting and liberal.

Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships

These people refuse to accept the fact that a white man may just be in love with an Asian woman. Instead, they characterize it as "yellow fever" and accuse the white man of having some sort of fetish, think that he's looking for an easy way out, that he's taken mail-order brides, or that it's just "because he couldnโ€™t get a white woman." Or worse, they assume the Asian woman is a victim and is being taken advantage of.

White women in the ultra-liberal areas who pride themselves on tolerance give WMAF couples the evil eye and act in a passive-aggressive way. Although they may not say it out loud, their looks say, "โ€ฆ but โ€ฆ but โ€ฆ you should be with a white woman! Those Asian ladies are taking all the men!" Or, "You're such a bad man for taking advantage of that poor little Asian woman!"

MYTH NUMBER 1: The creepy old white guy with young Asian bride meme.

Not only that meme is inaccurate, it's also dumb, prejudiced and annoying. It's based purely on anecdotal evidence and hearsay about old white guys who take on younger brides from the less developed parts of Asia, this certainly isn't the norm.

Just spend some time at an American university and you'll see a lot of young handsome white guys holding hands with Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Viet girls, which bring us to the next point: the vast majority of WMAF relationships occur between young white men and Asian women in their 20s and 30s. Most of the Asian girls that go with white men are either from ultra-modern, affluent, and developed parts of East Asia or affluent, highly assimilated Asian-American communities in our country.

That said, it's extremely stupid to categorize every white guy who hooks up with Asian girls as some old, creepy dude.

Young white men love Asian girls too
Young white men love Asian girls too

MYTH NUMBER 2: White men love Asian girls because they are "submissive" and "meek," which means that we can easily walk over them.

This is another ridiculous assumption parroted by white liberal feminists. At the end of the day, a woman is a woman and a man is a man. We men don't care what culture the women we love should come from, but we care about our HAPPINESS.

Asian girls that date white men are not submissive as they're usually portrayed, nor are they weak. Are there are submissive women that happen to be Asian? Of course. They are not the ones dating white men, though. The Asian women who date white men tend to look for more equal-minded partners, they tend to be highly educated...

Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships

... Which reflects on the average income of WMAF couples.

Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships

While these same girls may appear submissive and weak to the perception of white women, it's just because Asian women rarely show bad attitudes. The difference is that because of their cultural upbringing Asian women are classy, polite, respectful, and drama-free in contrast to their white female counterparts who got used to hearing "yas queen" from everyone.

White male attraction to girls like her is a reality, and needs to be supported and encouraged
White male attraction to girls like her is a reality, and needs to be supported and encouraged

MYTH NUMBER 3: Western men date Asian girls because they can't get a WHITE WOMAN.

Funny thing is, white women are rated less desirable than Asian and Hispanic girls
Funny thing is, white women are rated less desirable than Asian and Hispanic girls

This is another misguided assumption based out of pure ignorance. OK, are there those "weeb" and nerdy types of guys that end up marrying an equally awkward Chinese or Japanese girl? People make such claim for sure. I've never seen a couple like that in my entire life, though.

In reality, we white men ARE attracted to Asian girls regardless of our class, political affiliation and social status. From the trailer trash type of white guys to the multibillionaire ones, from actual communists to actual white supremacists, from blue collar workers to white collar ones, from farmers to city dwellers, from nerdy guys to gym rats like me, a huge chunk of our white male population is into Asian girls and every "race and attraction" survey shows that social phenomenon!

Chinese women's opinions about white men:

Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships

If you want to label every white guy with an Asian girl as some socially inept nerd, you need to reexamine reality.

Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships

MYTH NUMBER 4 AND 5: Asian women are just after a green card and money and date white men to ladder social status/White men fetishize Asian women and take advantage of them.

There is an inherent assumption that if a white man is with an Asian woman, it automatically means that he is taking advantage of her and she is unable of making intelligent decisions on her own. Or contrarily, it means that she is taking advantage of him for a social status or green card.

Are there Asian girls out there that marry white guys for a green card or money? Of course there are. We live in a corrupt global capitalistic system. Are there white women who marry wealthy white men for their money? Absolutely. In reality, the vast majority of Asian women are not after a green card or money and if that weren't the case, how would you explain that divorce rates are LOWER for WMAF couples in comparison to WMWF couples.

Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships

The reality is that people fall in love. When you fall in love, citizenships, visas, and cultural differences take a backseat. Besides, there are plenty of white men living in Asia with their Asian wives whom they initially met in the United States, Canada, or the UK. If it's about a green card, then why do so many Asian girls bring their Western boyfriends or husbands to Asia?

There is also ignorance on the part of otherwise liberal folk who see themselves as Great White Female Saviors. They assume a level of inequality in WMAF relationships because liberal white women tend to be obsessed with power dynamics that, in most cases, exist only in their own minds. Despite their outward appearance of tolerance and liberality, they fail to acknowledge that there is a possibility that white men and Asian women can be equal partners and love each other. They assume that the Asian woman is incapable of making her own decisions and is in need of their smug, self-serving protection.

The truth about the majority of WMAF relationships is that quite a lot of white men and Asian women love each other. Get over it.


Thank you for reading!

Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships
Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships
36 Opinion