Why do we often overlook the good people?

I was reading some of the responses on one guy's forum, bout him not being into partying every weekend and stuff, and wanting to find a girl. He fit into the good guy group, so of course a bunch of guys got on there talking about how all the good guys are passed up until later, and left with the slutty remains of women to call their wives - I was like wtf?

REALISTICALLY - I'd say all the good people are passed up honestly. Boy and girl. So many " nice" guys run around here complaining about girls because they only focus on the conceited self absorbed party girls who demand most male attention.

Then there are these amazing wonderful " nice" girls studying quietly, getting their education, enjoying their hobbies that are so casually and easily overlooked. I've consoled so many of these girls who felt ugly and unwanted because all the dudes flock to the bad party girls - so honestly, it goes both ways. What little girls who lack sense date douche bags, what little guys who lack sense date skanks - the rest of us sensible people just don't f***ing date because we know better than to fall for such translucent people.

So this just boggles me; why do we often overlook the good people?

Is it because they aren't as good looking? Too nice? Boring what?

Or is it that we just don't give them a chance because we have this idea that we can do " better" per say?

What the hell gives? I purposely seek out the " nice" guys because I know they'll treat me right - why does it seem like most people don't do the same?

I kinda wonder if society has made it harder for us to pair up with those who will treat us good, because it's enforced that we should seek partners for superficial things like sex and the inherent fear there is surrounding commitment and love?

And also, maybe it's because people aren't taught to work to make themselves a better person?

And dudes - quit playing the oh poor me, I'm a nice guy and can't get a girl boo f***in who - this case applies to both sexes.

So yaw - thanks for answering ^^
Why do we often overlook the good people?
Post Opinion