Search Results: Do long distance relationships work

Do you believe a long distance relationship can work if you're not rich?

It's very hard to see someone if you can't afford it.
It's very hard to see someone if you can't afford it. Show More
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Cheating in a long distance relationship?

How do most people in society feel about long distance relationships does it actually work or at some point the significant other just cheat while their partner is being faithful
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Long distance relationship? (P. S. - we have completed 1 year of being together)?

So my boyfriend is going to UK (Leeds) for an year, and I am here in India. We've been in a long distance relationship for 6-7 months and now we live close to eachother. He has assured me in every possible way and i've...
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Long distance relationship. I couldn't reach him at night. he says wifi is gone and mobile data is over. he doesn't show me a proof. what should I do?

with my boyfriend, we are in long distance relationship. in different countries. 2 years im with him. yesterday he said he working so like always i waited him till 8pm then he came replied my messages and disappeared....
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Do long distance relationships work?

I grew up in a very sheltered household, and only recently my crush all the way through highschool recently admitted that she actually liked me as well, and still does, but she hadn't made any moves cause she thought I...
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Can a long distance relationship work? If so how?

Like what are ways that you can make it easier and make it work together. This would be 3 years but could spend summers together just the school year it would be random times that we would get to see each other. Could...
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Does non-exclusive long distance relationship work?

Need some male perspectives here. My date live in different country now; due to his work, he will leave that country in half a year, and will move to another country that is very near to me and very easily for me to find...
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Can long distance relationships work?

If so could it work for almost 3 years maybe more?
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Rough patch in long distance relationship. Will we get through it?

So I'm in somewhat of a LDR. Im going to school in our hometown, I'll be done in 8 months. He goes to school an hour and a half away. My plan is to move to his city once I graduate, as he'll still have a semester or two...
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Does he want to be with me despite saying no to a long distance relationship? Are we already IN a relationship?

This guy and I have been talking as friends since January and have gotten really close to each other since we met in person in March. We both enjoy each others company and get on really well and have kept our emotions in...
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Meeting Long Distance Relationship Boyfriend for the Second Time: How to ensure things will be different this time?

Three years ago, I met my long distance partner in a language exchange app. After communicating regularly using the app, we decided to exchange phone numbers. Long story short, we couldn't stop talking to each other via...
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He won't commit in our long distance relationship is this a bad sign?

I’ve been dating a guy long distance for a year, (we lived about 3 hrs apart) and we’ve only seen each other 4 times. I love his town and I have thought about moving there because of how much I liked it and to also be...
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Long Distance Friend Zone Drama

I met a girl online at a catholic dating website, I am also catholic, and I find it hard meeting devout catholic girls, what makes this girl even more special is she is a virgin and she 23 in October! anyways the...
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Is an hour and half "long distance relationship"?

Would you consider an hour and a half driving to be long distance? What would be some tips to make the relationship work?
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How to adjust to a long distance relationship?

Hi, I've been dating this guy for a few months that is great. As of today, I dropped him off at the airport because due to work he is living across the country for the next 9 months or so. He didn't really have a choice...
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3 mo

What do you think about long distance relationships?

So I have no luck finding a girl near me, and long distance has definitely crossed my mind especially recently. I know IF I do it will be a lot of work and we need to ask the important questions right away like who will...
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Guys, I'm currently in a long distance relationship what does this behavior mean? If he's very interested but sending mixed signals what does it mean?

Ok, let me try to explain. So, there's this man online who I am chatting with. No, he's not a catfish. I already established that so don't worry, there's been proof provided. He says after we have talked long distance for...
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Is this long distance relationship worth pursuing?

I matched with a guy on hinge from Greece who put that he was looking for a long term relationship. I wanted traveling advice there but we exchanged instas and have been talking for almost two weeks. He said he sees a...
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Fed up of not seeing him - long distance relationship! help!

I've met this guy about 2.5 months ago and then he had to go away to work for 6 months. He been gone now 2 months and I'm feeling a little bitter and twisted about the whole situation. He text's me daily to tell me how...
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