Rough patch in long distance relationship. Will we get through it?

So I'm in somewhat of a LDR. Im going to school in our hometown, I'll be done in 8 months. He goes to school an hour and a half away. My plan is to move to his city once I graduate, as he'll still have a semester or two left. We've been long distance from the beginning for the past 9 months. But right now we're going through a serious rough patch. He's brought it to my attention for the third time, that when I leave he gets really confused about our relationship. But this is the first time its caused this big of a ruckus. He loves me but when he's away from me he wants other things. Then when I return to him he can only concentrate on me. I don't understand this at all. I miss him dearly when we're apart but it doesn't lead me to considering breaking up with him, especially when we only have less than a year until we can be together permanently. He's really trying to work through this. And meanwhile I'm just so tense and worried. I haven't eaten in 3 days. If he's gonna break up with me, I just want him to get it over with! He doesn't want to talk to anyone about whats going through his head except me. Im the only person he trusts. So couples who have survived long distance, did you experience this? And how did you get over it? I will add our main form of communication is texting. Maybe Skyping will help? And instead of seeing each other every other weekend, we could try every weekend? I just don't want to get my hopes up with these new strategies just for it all to fall apart anyway.
Rough patch in long distance relationship. Will we get through it?
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