Has anyone here ever crashed or nearly crashed their car from zoning out/driving while fatigued? Is driving while fatigued not talked about enough?

I feel like I always hear from people how people that get in accidents are idiots and they’re not paying attention to the road and doing their due dilligence.

But I’ve had probably 6 close calls over my 6 years of driving where I’ve literally NEARLY crashed my car. Mostly from zoning out but there was this one time where it was because I went to change the radio station for less than half a second.

Reasons like that I feel play a factor too.

Anyway, I feel like its just not talked about enough. Driving while fatigued.

I mean driving while fatigued is honestly really f^cking bad.

For me personally pretty much all of my “nearly crashed” instances were me driving home from work after like a 10 hour day, stuck in traffic with like a 1+ hour drive home working in 95 degree heat all day, dehydrated, and just genuinely tired.

The others were other drivers that nearly crashed into me, and quite possibly for the same reasons I’ve nearly crashed into other people.

There was this one time also I was feeling really tired and said I didn’t want to go to my Karate class but my Mom told me to leave the house anyway and next thing I know I’m snapping back into reality after zoning out and I realize I’ve turned off my street and I’m sandwitched in between two cars with like half a foot in space in front and in back of me. It was in that moment I realized I f^cked up and I turned off my street without even looking.

The worst case of all though was the time I was speeding up but I didn’t detect the car in front of me slowing down and so I literally had to break so hard last minute that my tires lost traction and skidded several feet and the rubber burning made this ear-splitting sound.

Has anyone here ever crashed or nearly crashed their car from zoning out/driving while fatigued? Is driving while fatigued not talked about enough?
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