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When Dealing With the Police in the Dromedeverse, Your Rights May Vary

While Camelorum Adventures (it's on DeviantArt) may be written as a comedy, it does contain some dystopian overtones. Some might even think that Dromedary Heights is descending into a police state at the rate the city...

Your Feelings Don't Matter

Listen, I'm just a guy. I was born with testosterone, a propensity for growing hair on my back, and a lack of vocabulary to explain my feelings. And what I can't explain I don't discuss. And yet I DO have...

Work It Girl: Vintage Dressing in the Modern World

Ah yes, as the saying goes, what was once old, is new again, and never is that more true than in fashion. Resurrecting styles from the past and bringing them into the modern age is something that will continue to occur...
BeeNee a

Guys Need to Re-Evaluate the Girls They Go After

It seems to be that many guys feel like they should have the girls who are tough to get. Or maybe they’re inadvertently being taught that they need to try hard to get the girl. Either way, it sends a lot of guys into a...

Tall Girl Dates Short Guy, And...

From my dating history, one could gather that I'm pretty open minded when it comes to who I date. I have not been one of those, he has to be this race, or he had to go to this college, or has to to have this color hair as...

Signs Your Relationship Is Risky

So. I am here to write about troublesome relationships based on my own relationships. I am obviously writing from a female perspective as a female in a heterosexual relationship. A year ago I had a very scary, tumultuous...

Your Typical Story about a Not So Typical Friendzoning

If you're looking for a bit of a read, look no further. Feedback is very much welcomed! It just pisses me right the fuck off that I am on the complete opposite side of the planet... And I'm still feeling this torture. The...

Stop F***ing Up Your Good Relationship!

It seems like relationships these days barely last. Here's my input on the major problems and simple solutions to those same issues that plague good relationships. Bad communication Nobody has ESP. If you are not able to...

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Girls!

So recently I've been seeing a couple of my takes on how to get women and what women like blah blah blah. Some of the stuff I've heard is just plain cringey. There was even a post a girl made trying to give us bros...

Eight Life Lessons: Told By A 23-year-old Girl🎀

I'm writing this as a catharsis but I'm also I'm hoping that it will be helpful for someone. Life is so very hard and sometimes we get hard on ourselves as well and we tend to forget or we live our lives unaware of...

Guys: Take Better Dating Profile Pictures

An online dating profile is your resume letting others get a glimpse of who you are. In this 30 seconds or less age, when people are swiping through perhaps dozens upon dozens of profiles, just like a resume, you need...

My Take on Beauty and Physical Attractiveness

I wouldn't care if my man isn't handsome. I believe character, intelligence, personality, these traits matter more than anything else. This quote of mine seems to give every guy on G@G a 600V electric shock. Even worse,...

3 Traits That Will Help You Realise, You're Dealing With A Valuable Woman.

Let's get straight down to business... She is a Master in the Art of Nurturing This trait in a woman is the easiest and most effective way to help you become more organized as a man. The type of woman who learns to this...

The Ultimate Key to Happiness … Is Not Giving a Shit

Now I know what you’re thinking: Blah, blah, blah RJ, we’ve heard a hundred people by now tell us to “just not give a fuck” but it isn’t that easy, okay? We’re human, we care about shit, not all of us are sociopaths....

How Trying to Understand Women's Feelings About Men Made Me Angry and Anxious

This is my second myTake and before I type what I have to say, let me ask you to keep your opinions civilized, don't be rude and don't troll please. If you plan on insulting me, don't bother sharing your opinion. No I am...

20 Qualities of a "Real" Woman

Your awesome myTake is now "Featured". You have earned extra 100 Xper Points and will be in queue to get featured on homepage! Congrats! 20 Qualities of a "Real" Woman HAHAHAHAHA! I knew GAG would do this! In your face...

I'm Not Physically Attracted to Him, But I Have Some Feelings For My Friend. Could It Be a Phase or True Feelings?

I'm 21 years old, and I'm a Junior in College. Most of you know what I look like, while most of you might not. I will include a recent picture of myself image the end of this MyTake. On campus, my co workers and friends...

On Embracing My Masculinity

Hey everyone. I know what you're thinking, is this some feminist type BS? Well, no haha. I didn't choose to be masculine, now the masculinity I'm talking about is more than just my personality or clothing choices, I'm not...

Passing Women's Tests Continued (3)

3. I have a boyfriend test. Many people have heard this one, things are going great with a woman so you decide to make that first real move, maybe ask her out for a coffee and she might even say yes, but wait, "just...

Women Are Not Crazy, We Just Aren't Confident

I know, I know many of you believe that many "irrational behaviors" are simply "just female behaviors'. And you more than likely think that there's no point in trying to understand us further. But that's not quite true....