On Embracing My Masculinity

On Embracing My Masculinity

Hey everyone. I know what you're thinking, is this some feminist type BS? Well, no haha. I didn't choose to be masculine, now the masculinity I'm talking about is more than just my personality or clothing choices, I'm not just a tomboy but I'm androgynous. Meaning I have features that are both masculine and feminine and can look like both genders. However, I'm more masculine looking than feminine (I have quite a sharp jawline and cleft chin, I'm 5'11", I have a deep voice, a sloping forehead along with a receding but okayish hairline haha, high and sharp cheekbones, thin hair, big hands and big feet, big shoulders with small hips or 'apple' body shape, etc.) and I've decided to start embracing my masculinity. Ever since I was young, I was a tomboy who liked mens clothes (still do) and video games and crime or mystery books and I still enjoy those things till this day. I'm a masculine person with a little bit of femininity, and my masculinity shows in my appearance and features, my clothes and my way of thinking.

1. My personality

I'm always seen as a good leader. I always like to take the lead and plan things out. I'm very upfront and honest, which is also seen as a masculine trait. I can be easy going at times and indecisive but that's at personal things, at professional settings I'm the complete opposite and my purpose is to get things done in the best way possible. I'm also the kind of person who will always try to give you advice or help you out when you come to me with an issue, which is not very appreciated by other women and I've started to learn that they just want someone to listen to them unless they state otherwise (however I hate that and if I go to someone with my problem or they ask me what's wrong I don't wanna hear a 'damn, that sucks' I'd rather they discuss with me and lay out the options or give me a different perspective to see things with). I'm quite assertive as well but I can be very very shy and insecure at times and I'm a very sensitive person (that's my more feminine side). I'm very wise and a critical and logical thinker, everything has to make sense all the time and I rarely consider the emotional aspect of things which can be bad sometimes but thats basically my masculine side. After all of this though, I still have a submissive personality at times. I will try to please everyone, do everything right and sometimes don't even stand up for myself (that's more a pushover than submissive though). I think i have a good balance between masculinity and femininity when it comes to personality and I'm not super submissive or super dominant.

2. My looks

I've already briefly mentioned my masculine features, but my looks have always been androgynous/sharper than the other girls. It's something I'm still working on accepting, however most of the time I don't care and I don't mind how I look unless I'm trying to look feminine to fit in (which I hate looking feminine if I'm being honest. With my features, height and body type I just can't pull off the feminine cute girl look). I've learned that I only appreciate dark makeup (i don't wear it outside the house of course but I still like it) and the whole gothic look or punk look I'm into that and like masculinizing my features and making them all blend together. I have really deep set but big eyes and they look really nice so I like the heavy makeup that makes them look even more squinted and deep set if that makes sense, kind of like a feline's eye. And I like my other sharp features as well, however I hate looking androgynous at times because I don't want to be in the middle, I'd rather look fully feminine or fully masculine and fully masculine is more my thing. As for my body type I like it and I like building muscle in my arms and legs and wearing mens clothes.

3. My style

Like I said I've always been kind of a tomboy and dressing in mens clothes or in more casual and comfortable looking clothes. I like mens hoodies, T shirts, Jean's, jackets, and long sleeve shirts. I still wear feminine clothes from time to time but like I said they don't fit me right for my body type and I don't pull them off. But for example pairing a skirt with a mens t-shirt and a cardigan with flats or sports shoes can look very good and I get compliments on my outfits all the time. Or a dress with Van's, or a skirt with a mens long sleeve t shirt. Or a hoodie with a dress/skirt. All of these feminine/masculine pairings I can actually pull off very well and I love my personal style. I can pull off mens clothes very well and I'm proud of that haha.

4. My hobbies

I enjoy reading up on a lot of scientific things and I enjoy more action/thriller/noir like films and video games. I also liked playing in the mud as a kid and I liked climbing anything like trees or a small hill haha, and mostly anything I like is always a bit more on the masculine side. However, I still like watching chick flicks from time to time and I still liked makeup and nail polish and pink stuff ever since I was a kid (I'll talk more about that in another take). However I'd say my interests always click more with the guys than the girls.

Now before anyone says it, I do not care if you don't find this attractive (I don't know why, but people always feel the need to judge how I look or what i wear and say they don't find it appealing, well buddy I don't live my life for you to like me). Also, my style and looks are no indications of my sexual preferences, some people may get confused but I don't mind haha it isn't offensive. The same way most girls love embracing their femininity and most guys like embracing their masculinity, I like embracing both but more my masculinity. I might write a take on how I embrace my femininity in my own personal way in the few times I do embrace it. And I'm learning to like myself the way I am and embrace who I am whether or not society likes it or dislikes it I am also learning to give less of a shit about that.

There is also nothing wrong with being a feminine man or a masculine woman like myself especially if your features or body type are just naturally like that. No one should try to be someone other than themselves to please others or try to fit in, if we all try to fit in we will be changing ourselves till eternity trying to please everyone. I say screw it, I'll live however I wanna live. And if you're a naturally balanced or masculine male or feminine female, that's also good. I'm in no way saying you should be like me or force yourself to be something you're not. Embrace your masculinity or embrace your femininity or both at the same time, it's up to you and what you like and feel comfortable with. The key is accepting yourself and being whatever the hell you wanna be!

Hope you liked this take!

On Embracing My Masculinity
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