Search Results: Have you ever done a sex game

I Love To Cheat (Sex, Games And Lies)

Hello, I am a bad girl. I will cheat on you. I will not confess to my deceit. You have to catch me red handed, before you know the truth which consists of details, you will not believe. When confronted with my acts of...

Why are we always so suspicious of genuine same sex attention (non sexual)?

Have we become so confused and conditioned by sex, that when someone DOES try and spark up a genuine connection with you, that you're surprised by it? You wonder if there are other motives? No matter what they may...
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My boyfriend dumped me so he could play video games 24/7, will his immature sorry ass ever regret this?

After 3 years of being together he does this. He was a gamer when we started dating but not as much as now. He goes to school, plays games and sleeps. That's all he does. He is addictive to it, it not only affected our...
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Who would want to play a game of Couples Groin Ball?

I found this weird game called Groin Ball (links below) and wondered how many guys and girls would actually want to play it with their partners or a friend of the opposite sex? Obviously the guys would be the ‘target’...
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Do you use any mods for your video games?

So I’m a sims player, lame I know lol. I have a mod called ‘Wicked Whims.’ If you ever played sims then you know that you can make your sims “woohoo” which is basically them having sex. But it’s nothing graphic, they just...
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What's wrong with me if no one ever approaches me?

I've been told that I'm pretty and have a nice body countless times. I am a naturally friendly person who smiles a lot, and sometimes I'm too nice. I have no problem meeting new people, most people get along with me and...
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Girls, I will be honest, I think my cousin (She is my first cousin) wants to have sex with me?

I will be honest, I think my cousin (She is my first cousin) wants to have sex with me. We are both sixteen now. About three years ago I accidentally saw her naked. She left her door to her room open and took a shower....
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My boyfriend is obsessed with video games, what should I do?

I think he's addicted. Throughout the day, I go to classes (I'm in college), go play my sport, and work out. When I get back to the dorms, he's always playing video games so I leave him alone and let him play. After...
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He's playing mind games for sex?

On our first date he talked about wanting a 1 week or 2 week "break" to a cottage (owned by his friend which he knew was vacant) in a coastal town. He said 3 times like "okay so about the break". This was during the...
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Guys, Is my fuck buddy playing games?

So here's the thing I met this guy at a bonfire and we started hooking up. And my god it's been the best sex I've ever had. We have had sex three times. Well then one day he told me I was getting annoying? And the only...
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Is it really best for a guy to never mention sex prior to trying to meet girl he first met online?

I know some of you are going to go off about never using dating apps or trying to find people online period. That’s a separate debate so please don’t bring it up. Not everybody has the time or environment to socialize...
I know some of you are going to go off about never using dating apps or trying to find people online period. That’s a separate debate so please don’t bring it up. Not everybody has the Show More
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2 mo

Has anyone ever tried Facebook Dating as a dating site?

I'm currently giving it a go, but I find most of them to be OF shillers, and AI bots. Nothing against sex workers, but It's hard to find people who want to talk. Most of the ladies are always talking about no games butI...
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My boyfriend's mom caught us having sex, does she hate me?

my boyfriend and I went to go get Starbucks while we wait until the baseball game start which we were going to watch it at my house. After getting drinks from Starbucks we were driving around; ( before we drove around he...
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How is it that you make love to someone and have amazing sex and then a few days later they tell you it’s not working anymore?

This is why I drink beer , Has this ever happened to you? A girl I been seeing all of a sudden changes her mind about being with me, How do you go from really liking someone to automatically not wanting to be with them...
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Never had a girlfriend, never had sex at 25 years old?

I am 25 year old male, super-shy, never had a girlfriend, never been kissed and obviously a virgin. With all that wrapped into one, it makes me lack confidence - big time. I still live with my parents, play lots of video...
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Have you ever pretended to work your dream profession?

I'm studying to be an officer and when I was little, I did pretend to be one from time to time but only acted like one a few times in my daily life as a kid. I went around breaking up fights on the playground (there...
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He revealed his feelings, then pulled away - will he ever come back?

I have been dating his divorced 45-year old for 3 months now. About 2 weeks ago we had the talk and I told him I wanted a relationship. Two days later he takes me out and tells me what I mean to him - that he has never...
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Have you ever had an on-line friend who was like a lover, friend, companion that you shared much with and then lost them?

I have and believe me, it was like losing a dear friend. I knew her name, some things about her family, her home, her husband ( yes, she was married with a child of 1 3 at the time) We did have on line sex with cameras,...
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Guys, have you ever went back to a girl that you didn't really care about at first?

There was this guy I met that only wanted one thing. He would play mind games and just torment my mind for so long. I really fell for him hard. But I had to leave time and time again because all he would push was sex and...
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What's something you experience or feel because of your gender... that the opposite sex can never truly understand?

Not including biological functions like childbirth, or periods, or the pain of being kicked in the balls, etc. That stuff is obvious, let's dig a bit deeper here. For me, I'd say that as a man, we're judged on our...
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