Search Results: Is my ex going to be mean to his future

Why are we so dependant on worrying about the past instead of moving on to the future?

The Obvious Statement: I'm talking in terms of past relationships here. We kind of avoid focusing on the present and a happy future and instead worry about bad things that have happened in the past. I know we do it...

Top Ten Reasons He Is Going To Break Up With You!

Here are my top ten reasons he is going to break up with you! 10. Bad sex This seems to me to be the most preventable one of the 10! See my entry on are you a dead fish in bed? I once had bad sex and that...

My FWB is avoiding me.

I have a guy friend I've known for years, he was my ex's workmate and shooting buddy (I split with my ex a month ago). My friend came over one night and we had some drinks and fooled around. We talked online a couple...
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We have known each other for 4 years and he has had a girlfriend for 3 years. Need advice on what to do?

He & I met in high school, graduated & are off to separate colleges. We have always had a deep connection. His girlfriend is average looking & a mean person. I'm everything she isn't in a good way! At school he would make...
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Was it more of a pity kiss...?

Ok so me and this guy kiss every time we are together but I'm off at school and so we hardly get to see each other. We used to talk all the time but I really wasn't sure what he really thought of me because I thought he...
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Am I dumb or is there hope?

So, I'm 26, about 4 months ago met and dated this guy (Also 26). We got along great immediately and basically have seen each other almost every day since. Its for sure the healthiest and most honest dynamic I've been in....
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My Boyfriend gave me a black eye :(

My boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now, and I have been dating for 6 months, we are both 24 years old. 3 months into your relationship I got pregnant and had a natural miscarriage 6 weeks along, we weren't ready for a baby...
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How do I get myself back out there?

Just before Christmas my boyfriend of 4 years dumped me. I was completely heart broken we were meant to be finally buying a house a together and I really thought he was going to be my future. But one day he just sat me...
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She had "grass is greener syndrome." Letting her go and dropping off radar best thing to do?

Ex girlfriend of mine broke up with me after 3 year relationship. We had an amazing relationship, we were and still are compatible in just about every way (with enough differences to keep things fresh and fun of course)....
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boyfriend wants to join the military and wants me to wait for him?

My boyfriend of 1 1/2 years (on and off) asked me if I would wait for him if he joined the military. I am a 32 yr old divorcee with two children, my boyfriend has two children, and we live together. My ex was an over the...
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How to get over him?

My ex has severe issues with my past. Last night he had told me how he felt much closer to me, and how he was happy that we were doing better, arguing less, overcoming our problems, and started making plans for the...
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Coworker Wants To Date Me, But I Don't Wanna Be "That Girl."

Hey guys! I recently started my first professional office job (been working there less than a month.) There is a guy in my department who caught my eye. He's cute, nerdy, and seems to be very nice. He also expressed a...
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9 possible ways to figure out if your man is full of shit

Before you read this I do realize that these signs can be seen as generalizations. Yes it does not always apply to every person's situation. I know this can go for women too but I don't date females lol and I am not...

Relationship Fallout: 5 Stages of Grieving After a Breakup

Heartbreak is excruciatingly painful. It can have a detrimental affect on your emotional,physical and mental state. It is a sad and disorientating time. When couples part the pain can be profound because it represents the...

Break Ups For Single Moms

I am writing this to try to help single moms , such as myself, get over a break-up. I have learned ways to get over a break-up without involving the children in the pain that you are feeling, especially if you are with...

Advice For Up & Coming Young Women (Trigger Warning) 🥒🥒🥒👌

Remember this is just advice, you can choose to ignore it in an adult way. 1. Never cheat& never be with a cheater. There is never a reason to cheat when you are in a relationship, if you are unhappy leave, tripping &...

Breakup Survival 101

Breakups can be devastating, especially when you loved and cared for someone so deeply. You have been rejected and the relationship is over. This won't be the last time this happens if love is what you seek. Every break...

25 Reasons Why He Won't Ask You To Marry Him!

Mike Masters writes a blog for women about relationships at . Traveling the world and dating every single he met along the way allowed Mike to make an uncountable number of mistakes in...

Dr. Jamie Turndorf aka Dr. Love: Healing Old Scars, Love Truly Never Dies

A self-proclaimed love doctor with an enviable love story of her own. A desire to help others transformed and in fact increased by personal loss. Science blended with spirituality, infused with an ardent and encouraging...

The Post-Breakup Protocol

It has been a while since I wrote a myTake, and it seems that the most popular two of the three I already wrote were those involving relationships. They have been received well, and for that I am grateful. I have read...