My Boyfriend gave me a black eye :(

My boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now, and I have been dating for 6 months, we are both 24 years old. 3 months into your relationship I got pregnant and had a natural miscarriage 6 weeks along, we weren't ready for a baby so losing it wasn't that devastating to us but still made us so much more emotionally close and more in love. 4 months in I had to have emergency surgery on my tailbone and he took care of me for the whole week that I wasn't able to move or change my own bandages. But whenever he drinks he gets black out and acts completely different and mean. I told him it was me or alcohol and he choose me. 3 weeks ago we went out together for a mutual friends going away party we both were drinking but everything was going fine, on the walk home from the bar he started saying how I was to good for him and I told him that I wasn't and that I love him and didn't want to let him go. He then started to yell at me for some guy that I was talking to a year before him and how I was such a slut and a whore. I started crying and asking why he was sayin such awful things because we were having such a good time. He slapped me across the face lightly and told me to leave him alone because he felt like he could hurt me. I told him that I know him and that I know he won't hurt me because he loves me and would never do that I just wanted to know where all this anger was coming from. He then grabbed me by the back of my hair and punched me in the face. Right after he punched me he snapped out of his black out and noticed what he had done he picked me up from the floor and started apologizing all over the place. I was screaming for him to get away from me and to leave me alone. 2 guys saw everything happen so they started to charge after him to kick his ass and I was left alone in the street and his friends ended up seeing me cryin in the street after someone called the cops. He is now getting therapy and feels awful for what he did and says he wants to kill himself because he never thought he could ever touch a women like that and to give her a black eye. I love him very much and we have been through so much together already. I told him that we obviously can't be together for awhile until he can get his sh*t together but is it wrong to hope for a a reunion with him in the future? I feel like he would have never done that if he wasn't drunk and I should have listened to him and got away from him, althought I know its not my fault. He knows what he did was wrong and I forgive him but I don't knwo if my friends or family ever could. I don't want to let him go but I feel like its the only choice. What should I do?

My Boyfriend gave me a black eye :(
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