Search Results: Talking to girls

Should I be mad my Boyfriend is talking to girls on Bumble?

He said he is just looking for friends but he is calling the girls names like beautiful and buttercup... He showed me the profile I didn't go through his phone... he showed it to me and said look I'm looking for...
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Why do guys play with circular objects while talking to girls?

If a guy is chatting with a girl one-on-one and he's squeezing a ball in his hand on a table and doesn't usually do so, what does that mean?
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Why is Talking to girls so Awkward?

Like Every time I try to talk to a girl, it gets so awkward and Sometimes silent, I don't know why it happens, even if I don’t like (Like Like) them it’s still awkward, Pls Help me!
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How to not be awkward talking to girls on the phone?

I have a lot of numbers from girls off of Tinder but I never call. Today I called one and it was sooo awkward. I didn't know what to say and would laugh cause I was anxious. Totally screwed it up. How do I improve?
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Why am I so bad at talking to girls?

so the thing is if i talk with a guy most of the times we share at least one interest and a conversation builds up naturally. but if i start with girls it kinda always follows this formula: we intruduce ourselfes then...
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Why do I get so much anxiety from talking to girls?

I’m a guy, 23, my chest always feel tight and i get nervous asf when i notice a girl and i want to talk to her. But I can’t ever break through that cuz i don’t wanna mess up. I care a lot about what she thinks of me. I...
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Talking to girls is like a mindfield?

When ever I flirt with a girl it feels like I'm walking on a mindfield as any random thing I say next can make her mad. Is it just me?
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Talking to girls and asking them out...It's not hard at all: My experience

So during my highschool years I was fat, nerdy and not good looking. I didn't brush my teeth regularly and bathed once every 2-3 days. I never cared about my style, clothes, or parties or anything like that. Nneedless to...

Talking To Girls

When it comes to talking to girls even the most confident guys could get nervous. I think that it's the fear of rejection or the whole world exploding, lol. I'm not going to say gay but flamboyant guys make it look easy....

The Secret To Talking To Girls

I dont know why it took me a LONG time to discover this. I'm 22 years old. As a young kid and through out high school I was terrified of talking to girls. I didn't know what to say, what to talk about, how to talk to...

Is it too late to talk to this girl and if not what should I do to start a conversation?

Basically I have two classes with this girl and the one is right after the other. The first class is pretty small, about 17 people in it, and nobody really talks to each other in it. she sits in the front row with two...
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Why do so many girls settle for losers?

Or guys in my opinion who are unnattractive and have no idea how to handle a relationship because of how passive and unambitious they are? I see it all the time and I hear these girls complaining about it all the time....
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Why is it so hard to find a girl to talk to on sites like omegle and just anywhere on the internet?

Do you guys know omegle? Well I spend hours every time I go on praying and hoping that one girl just comes and stays to talk to me. However, it never happens. I go through hundreds of girls in god knows how many hours and...
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Why do girls behave like this?

My big bro, we are not related but I consider him my big brother. In March 2021, he was introduced to this girl as he was joining the band, they started talking, he asked her out, and she told him she wasn't interested...
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Shy boy meets the nicest, cutest, kindest girl. Please give advice...

Hi. I'm a guy, 19 years old, and I'm very shy, and have always been. Talking to girls is so hard, as I can't ever see -why- a girl would want to spend time talking with me. My self-esteem is really low. Lately a girl in...
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Why do so many girls put little to no effort into conversations?

Not trying to generalise here. I have met a handful of girls who are fun and engaging to talk to, although they are definitely in the minority. A common trend I have noticed when talking to girls is that most of them...
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Girls, Why does girl approached keep stealing glances and talking to her friends about me😞?

After i got numerous signs from a girl at university which included abit of jelousy, nervous glances, shy glances and confudent stares I decided I wanted to approach a girl which she was nice , wished me happy birthday. I...
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Girls, Why did the girl I like walk between myself another girl whilst we were talking?

I was talking to this girl and the girl I look saw us talking. The girl I like just randomly walks between the two of us with no acknowledgement and continues walking down the whole aisle and out again. She didn't look at...
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She is incredibly boring to text. Do most girls act like this?

Well I am usually really good at talking to girls and I never have a problem reading them and knowing what to say. Anyways I met this girl at this party and I knew right away that I liked her. I went right up to her and...
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