Why do so many girls put little to no effort into conversations?

Not trying to generalise here. I have met a handful of girls who are fun and engaging to talk to, although they are definitely in the minority.

A common trend I have noticed when talking to girls is that most of them seem rather boring. They'll give me nothing to work with in terms of conversation material, and it honestly feels like I'm more of an entertainer than anything else. When I ask them about themselves, I get nothing ("My hobbies? Oh, I just like to hang out with friends."). I can crack jokes, tell stories, share thoughs or tell something about myself, but in the end I feel like I'm talking to a wall. Never does she ask me a question or share a story of her own, let alone show that she is even moderately interested in anything I say.

It feels really frustrating because it makes conversations everything but enjoyable, and makes me wonder if I'm the boring person after all (in the end I'm the common factor here). That confuses me though, because generally speaking I don't experience these issues when talking to guys. They tend to show interest in what I say and add value to the conversation.

Could it be that girls expect guys to carry every conversation? Am I just meeting the wrong girls? Perhaps there is something within myself that I'm missing? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Why do so many girls put little to no effort into conversations?
7 Opinion