Is It More Difficult To Be A Guy Or Girl?


Why is it difficult to be a girl?

Society is to blame for a lot of the difficulties women face in the world. Make a list of all the bad words you can call a woman and the list is nearly endless. Derogatory words have stayed with the culture for many years and doubtful that they will just disappear. Much like the certain word that is derogatory towards black people.

Men wrote biblical texts and thus women should be subservient to men. This has allowed cultures around the world to treat women as second-class citizens. The right to vote, to get jobs, educations, etc. are what set the US apart from most countries.

Parents are as much to blame as well. Look at the toys you were given as a kid and see if they fit the gender role. Girls were given dolls and easy bake ovens. Toy vacuums and fake cleaning supplies or possibly a toy iron to play along with mom's homemaker tasks. Boys were given toys that helped build things (legos and building blocks) that also reinforced gender roles. Parents are becoming more aware of this and buying toys that will give their children skills later in life.

Gogus olculeri
Health is a big concern when it comes to gender differences. Men used to live a shorter life because they were doing more laborious jobs to support their family. Women might not have a shorter life span now since medicine and science have expanded the life expectancy of humans. We would likely see the two ages for the genders to be closer together instead of the 10-year gap we were used to.

A woman goes into the doctor to complain of chest pains and is dismissed. A few hours or a day later she dies of heart failure, which could have been prevented. A man goes into the doctor complaining of the same symptoms and they generally admit him and run tests. Even female doctors have fallen into this routine of dismissing the symptoms women give.

Childbirth is painful but a blessing as well. This is about the only thing a woman can do that a man can’t do. Don’t consider this to be a disadvantage.

Cancer is becoming one of the biggest problems in the United States with women. The HPV vaccine and breast cancer is just the tip of the iceberg. This is something man-made because of the chemicals and preservatives we allow to enter our bodies. Perhaps we should go back to having fresh foods with little to no preservatives and maybe the numbers of cancer patients will drop.

PMS and hormones. Dr. Edgar Berman said women's hormones during menstruation and menopause could have a detrimental influence on women's decision making, feminists were outraged. In England, the PMS defense freed Christine English after confessed to killing her boyfriend by deliberately ramming him into a utility pole with her car.

This double-edged sword can’t work both ways. If the PMS defense could be used, then there should be lots of deaths in the centuries before attributed to this. Opening the Pandora’s box would also allow horny guys to rape women since they were under distress from an overload of hormones as well.

The actual number of women that are raped is unknown. Many have given false testimonies to hurt their former lovers or those who denied them. Some are too afraid to come forward because the offender is in a position of great power or gave threats to do physical harm. Fear of being raped is higher in other countries and in some bad parts of the US.

Staying with the body and health leads to orgasms. Many women do not get an orgasm during sex without stimulation to the clit or hitting the g-spot. Society has deemed masturbation a taboo subject though men openly admit to doing it. Women should be more comfortable talking about it and doing it to better understand how their body reacts to certain sensations.

Being cheated on might get thrown in here as a difficulty being a girl but the numbers are about the same. Women cheat on men just as often as men cheat on women. Women are more methodical and don’t get caught. Females generally cheat because their relationship is lacking attention, emotional connection, etc.

Why is it difficult to be a girl?
  • Derogatory phrases won't go away
  • Gender roles are defined at an early age
  • PMS and hormones
  • Cancer is more prevalent
  • Women are objectified
  • Salaries are lower
Guys tend to go for certain physical qualities in a woman. Call them shallow but men are more visually stimulated. This is not a difficulty for those who have these desirable qualities but those who lack these feel that it can be overwhelming. Genetics and diet dictate what features you might possess.

Fashion and viewing women as objects. This cannot be blamed solely on men since men and women create fashion based on what the public or society wishes to see. You buy a pushup bra to accentuate cleavage yet get upset when undesirable
men notice your curvaceous bust.

Fashion magazines show thin models (recently changing) that are not the average woman in the US. This makes women more self-conscious about their bodies and the false need to highlight their body parts. Sexy written across the butt of sweat pants is giving men the wrong idea that it is acceptable to admire a butt instead of the whole body.

Auto stores and other technical/mechanic shops may try to pull the wool over a woman’s eyes. They feel that a woman doesn’t know much about cars and can bullshit their way to making some cash. This is not a gender based difficulty though since the same place might try the same on a guy, depending on how the situation.

If a woman goes into the auto body shop with the problem and tells the mechanic “I have a loud rumble when my car starts up” they might think she doesn’t know that much about cars. If she goes into the auto body shop and says “I have a hole in the Y crossover of my exhaust” they will tend to think she knows what she is talking about.

Lastly is the job market. Women demand equal pay for equal work and I respect that. If the job requires a person to lift a 60 lb toolbox to work on vehicles, perhaps a 100 lb female shouldn’t be hired for that job. Is that job discrimination? No since the toolbox is a necessary part of the job and lightening the toolbox would lower the efficiency of that mechanic (having to return to the shop to get a tool that was left out).

Women should be promoted to higher positions and are frequently passed over. They reach a glass ceiling where they cannot advance any farther. Studies have shown that women are better at communicating which should allow them to be possibly more effective managers/leaders then their counterparts.

Why is it difficult to be a guy?

Society has also dictated what it is to be a man. We are facing role ambiguity as the gender roles are being whittled down. Men are expected to provide for their family though stay-at-home-dads are becoming more common. Society still views those men as not being able to provide for their family. Many companies won’t give a guy paternity leave or time off if their child is ill.

Society also view men and fathers as suspicious. A man holding a little girl’s hand on a bus is investigated with no other reason than he was a man holding her hand telling her to ‘Please be quiet’. The public feel that mainly men commit crime but not all crime is reported.

Men are ashamed to come forward if they have been raped or abused by a woman or raped by another man for that matter. A man claims to have been held at gunpoint by a trio of women and forced to have sex with them. No one will buy that story because they feel that he had to be a willing participant. The male penis can become aroused without the desire for sex. A massage from a family member to the thighs (sports injury) can cause an erection when not desiring intimacy.

The courts favor women when it comes to divorces, custody battles (though changing), defense for murder (PMS defense, etc.), rape, sexual harassment, etc. Society feels that women tell the truth more often and will be more sympathetic. A guy gets stabbed in a domestic dispute and people find it humorous but if a woman would have been stabbed it is a different story.

In some states a guy that deposits sperm in a sperm bank might get sued for child support and the courts approve this. One in particular had a separate contract with the individual and the standard one with the bank and both were thrown out of court. Guys are at a severe disadvantage in the eyes of the law (court).

Gays are not acceptable to see making out but lesbians are. Society is more comfortable with the female actors (politically correct term for actress) coming out of the closet but it is career suicide for a male actor usually (may be changing). Maybe it has something to do with art as well. We typically think that the female body is sexy with the soft flowing curves and a man’s body is sharp and rough.

Men are supposed to be strong and not show emotion. A difficulty when that bottled up emotion causes physical problems such as heart attacks, ulcers, etc. Society also views men as shallow, forgetful, and foolish. A picture described guys as being either pigs or dogs. There was no other choice.

Why is it difficult to be a guy?
  • Gender roles are ambiguous
  • The courts favor women in many cases
  • Gay men are discriminate against
  • Men are expected to perform
  • It's hard to know what women want
  • Fear of sexual harassment charges

Education is a difficult topic
to easily breakdown. Men are good at math, spatial relations, science, etc. because they are right-brained if I am not mistaken. Unfortunately institutions don’t seem to provide the visual stimulation to keep boys interested in the topic and retain the information. (That might be why guys tend to drift off in long conversations because of little visual stimulation).

The movies show a couple having sex (or making love) as this fantasy setting that rarely ever takes place like they describe. Women tend to have this idea that it should be magical just like the big screen and get disappointed when it isn’t. There might be some issues putting on the condom, or while it is in use. Stress from work or the expectation of performance can make a guy go soft.

Dating dos and don’ts are not really the same for each woman. A guy finds those out when he doesn’t do the right thing and then it is probably too late. She has crossed him off her list of viable partners because he didn’t….. open the door for her. Some women get offended if you do open the door for her. Be kind, tell him what you like/dislike before confrontation.

Guys don’t know what women think. The logic doesn’t seem to be there. We get yelled at or punished because she had a dream that we cheated on her. I’m sorry, that doesn’t make any sense. Guys are easier to understand and what we would like. Yes, a large part is intimacy so it’s not difficult to please a guy.

When you hear the word whipped you think of a guy. Well, it really only applies to guys since they seem to be the only one whipped in a relationship. Women aren’t whipped because they can go for another guy who has more: money, a fancier car, a new motorcycle, a house, a better paying job, etc. This may be instinctive to find a mate that could provide for her.
Gogus olculeri

Office romance might not happen because men fear the accusation of sexual harassment. This vague definition could include just about anything. Guy #1 tells guy #2 that he looks good in that business suit and girl #1 is uncomfortable. She feels that it is sexual harassment and files a suit. Has it happened, yes and she won. The definition should be something like the flirtatious advances of people you deem unattractive. There are some women out there that still might find you attractive but are greedy and want to get your (and the company’s) money.

The gender card is one to be feared. It doesn’t work when pulled out on a woman so you are at a disadvantage already. Be really scared if you are a middle-aged white Caucasian straight Christian male. It isn’t a matter of ‘if’ someone will pull a card on you but ‘when’. You may see the following cards: race, gender, disabled, veteran, senior, sexual preference, religion, and others I can’t think of right now.
Is It More Difficult To Be A Guy Or Girl?
52 Opinion