Stereotype of the Week: Hot Chicks Are Sluts, Ugly Chicks are Feminists

Stereotype of the Week: Hot Chicks Are Sluts, Ugly Chicks are Feminists

Men can say some amazingly dumb things.

But then there are times when you sit back and wonder: How much logic is behind these cold and ignorant - and sometimes alcohol-induced - remarks? I'll get to that in a minute but first:

It's clear that feminism is a bigger topic than ever (it certainly makes the rounds here at GaG) and women everywhere are...well, "taking slut back," or so they say. It's a society where "slut-shaming" and "fat-shaming" and any "shaming" of any kind is looked upon as far worse than the generally bad behavior that created the problems in the first place.

There are those who have very strong opinions on the matter.

But let's not go too deep here. We're talking about statements that many would just say are stupid and uneducated:

"If you're hot, you're probably a slut and if you're ugly, you're probably a feminist. And probably a lesbian, too."

I think women would be surprised at how many men secretly believe that. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule but isn't there at least some common sense and logic behind it? Attractive people have more opportunities to have sex and therefore, more opportunity to get that "slut" label. Unattractive people do indeed tend to use their minds more often (sorry, pretty people, but this has always been true) and they're also more likely to get political at some point. Not many hot crazy sluts are marching for feminist rights.

Stereotype of the Week: Hot Chicks Are Sluts, Ugly Chicks are Feminists

But wait...what's all this about the word "slut" changing in definition and being okay? Feminists are supporting the hell out of this movement they're the biggest sluts of all!

Things are changing, that's for sure. But I can also guarantee that most men would be shocked to find a hot chick proclaim herself a feminist, and vicey versey. It's going to start happening more often, though, and I think a lot of girls in high school and college today see the words "feminism" and "slut" in very different ways than girls a quarter-century ago.

So, maybe it's not that the boorish guys are just being stupid, but more that they're behind the times. Right?

Stereotype of the Week: Hot Chicks Are Sluts, Ugly Chicks are Feminists
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