The old continent doesn't have the best reputation in the world. Known for it's poverty and used as a common reference of the 'Third World', Africa doesn't warrant positive thoughts for most. I realized the need to write this MyTake when I was asked why Somalis look so normal when they come from a poverished country. This coming from a young, sheltered French girl so I didn't take offence. I'm sorry to say I believed it too.
The term "feed the starving children in Africa" constantly used around me warped my idea of my homeland when I lived in rural Minnesota. When my parents prepared us to vacation to Kenya when I was 8, I fully expected huts. I was shocked to discover a balanced, diverse country with wildlife reservations along with snooty private school students. I was surprised by how well dressed Nairobi was and how my school was more diverse than my American school. It was filled with Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, as well as some white people. More than I can say for my majority white Minnesota school...
Nairobi opened my young mind to Africa and the idea that not everything is as it seems. That I shouldn't assume anything about anywhere before I visit and see for myself. The world is beautiful and everyone should go out and experience it. I'm lucky my parents freed my mind from stereotyping a continent of 1 billion at a young age.
Which African country appeals to you?
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