Donald Trump dishes on the topic of abortion

Donald Trump dishes on the topic of abortion

Once backed into a corner by MSNBC reporter to give his official stance on this issue he goes above and beyond a simple prolife stance to elaborate that women who have abortions should be punished.

The only part of this that surprised me is that he did not use phrasing that implies one thing very clearly but yet is slick enough to deny ever saying it definitively down the road.

He was asked this by a Roman Catholic journalist and tried numerous times unsuccessfully to up it around on the journalist by saying things like 'Well your church', 'are you going against your church', do you support' and so on.

The reporter stayed on question, he did say he was prolife but the questions the reporter was asking were how does he plan to implement laws against abortion (any sane person would say the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v Wade) but Donald doesn't even know what that historical ruling would pertain to yet alone the dates and precedent.

When the reporter asked him how he saw things of abortion were illegal he said (paraphrasing slightly) you know sending them back to when they had to get illegal abortions and then punishing them after. Women died from these procedures and knew it was a possibility but we re desperate enough anyways. He also 'implied' that men should not be held accountable for a mutually agreed upon abortion.

Donald eventually pulled a get out of jail free card from his hat and stated that he thinks it is an issue that should be handled at a state level. BUT this doesn't work. Again Trump shows his complete lack of understanding on the role of the fed and Supreme Court rulings.

Marriage is a state issue yet once the Supreme Court hands down a ruling of what is and isn't constitutional the states can no longer I force or legislate laws not in accordance with the ruling. Gay marriage is a perfect example.

Abortion cases will continue to come up again o the Supreme Court docket. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you sit on, how can we trust a president to choose the next Supreme Court Justice. This is a life long position. You don't have to be a lawyer to run a country but you do need to know the U.S. Has three branches of government and what each one can and can't do.

Donald says he'll do it on the job regarding any platform issues he's been asked. You don't learn politics overnight and if you are depending on your team of advisors, as I'm sure he is, you diminishes to nothing more than a figure head. He doesn't work as a figure head though because people elsewhere don't like him.

He's a very successful business man, he is charismatic and fine in the private sector. But government doesn't work like the private sector. You can't negotiate if you don't know the rules of the game you Are playing.

Donald Trump dishes on the topic of abortion
Post Opinion