How the Government Used Western Women to Eradicate the Family Unit

How the Government Used Western Women to Eradicate the Family Unit

"The greatest fortress of human liberty, proof against all earthly powers, is the family. In its small private space, it can defy the will of authority and the might of wealth. It is without doubt the most effective means of passing lore, culture, manners and traditions down through the generations. Its loyalties are stronger than those of the state, more powerful even than patriotism" (Peter Hitchens)

It's quite simple: In order for the government to gain more power and control over society, it has to destroy the traditional family unit. Throughout history tyrannical governments have always, first and foremost, attacked the nuclear family. In this myTake I'll explain how they have done it and I'll also expose some of the lies and myths that feminists have been feeding young women for the last few decades.

They have destroyed the family unit using two methods: The feminist movement, and the family court laws. The feminist movement was in fact an insidious agenda to drive a wedge between men and women and break up the family unit, all the while masquerading behind the lie of equality. Granted, a lot of the women in the feminist movement truly believed that it was about equality, but the elite and some of the leading feminists had a much darker agenda. Many of these people had a deep hatred for marriage and motherhood and wanted to convince women that marriage and motherhood was oppression.

Eventually these feminists gained immense influence in the media and education system, where young women were repeatedly fed lies and myths about men and about history. Anybody who dared stand up against the movement was immediately shut down by being labelled a "woman hater." Over time the lies of feminism became accepted as facts and more and more young women became put off from marriage and motherhood and became angry and bitter towards men. Thus, a battle of the sexes had begun.

Alongside the feminist movement was the changing of family court and divorce laws. In the late 1960's the divorce laws started to change. The balance of power was shifted away from the husband and toward the wife. Divorce was made as easy as possible, and over time more and more legislation was passed to strip fathers of their parental rights. All these changes sent out a clear message: the State was on the side of the wife, whether she was in the right or whether she was in the wrong. Women now knew that they held the power in a marriage.

How the Government Used Western Women to Eradicate the Family Unit

If a wife filed for a divorce, the innocent husband could be removed from his own house and lose contact with his children, even if it was the wife who committed adultery and was the abuser. When these unfair laws were passed, divorce rates increased dramatically, and were mostly initiated by women. Women could now benefit from a divorce and get full custody of the children. Big brother government was now the provider and protector of women. Husbands and fathers were no longer needed.

So basically the agenda to destroy the family unit has been quite simple: Take power away from husbands and fathers and give the power to women instead. Make divorce as easy as possible and make it so women are the ones, in most cases, who will benefit financially from a divorce. Make sure that fathers don't have equal rights to mothers. And on top of that, use feminism and the media to brainwash women into not needing a man and that marriage and motherhood is oppression. Convince women that the workforce is more liberating. And use "women's studies" in universities to lie to women about men and about history.

The end result has been a toxic society of single mothers, fatherless children, and broken families, which has led to a higher rate of crime and teenage pregnancies. Now that men are no longer needed as providers and protectors, men no longer need to grow up and take responsibility. More and more men have now turned to computer games, alcohol, and promiscuous sex. But it was western women who turned their backs on marriage and family. Let me explain:

Women are like the whether. They are unpredictable and are much more emotional than men. So if a man knows that women are unpredictable and emotional, and that women can benefit from a divorce and have more rights over the children, then why is it any surprise when men feel threatened by marriage? Granted, there are times when husbands cheat on their wives and abuse them, but there are so many other cases where a woman will divorce a perfectly good husband and run off with a bad boy or asshole, as well as taking most of his property. Allowing women to benefit from a divorce while taking away fathers rights has proven to be disastrous.

How the Government Used Western Women to Eradicate the Family Unit

The typical response to what I've said is usually a knee jerk reaction. People argue that in the past women were unable to escape an abusive husband. My response to that is this: the government should have simply passed laws to severely punish husbands who abused their wives and given abused women the help that they needed. But instead, the government made divorce as easy as possible, take away fathers' rights, and allow women to benefit financially from a divorce. Just because I blame women and the government for the breakdown of the nuclear family doesn't mean I approve of women being stuck in abusive marriages, so please get your brain in gear and use some common sense.

Another stupid, thoughtless response is, "Oh, so you want women to be stuck in the kitchen and not be allowed to work?" No, dimwit, I never said that. I believe women should be allowed to choose what they want. My problem is when feminists, often lesbian feminists who hate men, lie to young women and encourage them to abandon marriage and motherhood and cause them to be bitter and angry towards men, by brainwashing them with lies and myths. Why can't these hateful feminists just leave young women alone and allow them to make up their own minds?

The end

Thanks for reading

How the Government Used Western Women to Eradicate the Family Unit
Post Opinion