Autism: Not a Mental Disorder, But a Survival Leftover from Our Ancestors

Autism: Not a Mental Disorder, But a Survival Leftover from Our Ancestors
Modern day humans live a completely different life compared to our ancestors. Thousands upon thousands of years ago, we lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle in small tribes. Our forefathers weren't dumber than us or complete savages, they just didn't have the same amount of knowledge, time, or resources that we do today to build gigantic metropolises and fly away from the planet. Ancient humans were at the mercy of their environment, while modern humans have conquered the environment and built the world to suit our needs and be at the mercy of us.

The advent of agriculture and civilization didn't benefit everyone, however. While more and more humans began to settle down and build villages, others prefered to stick it out on their own and survive the world as it traditionally had been. Unfortunately, these people have been sucked into our modern world and they don't fit in. These people are autistic.

What even is Autism?

The CDC continues to find that Autism is spiking all over the US. Year by year, a greater percentage of the population is diagnosed. Why is Autism just spreading like an epidemic when it's merely a mental disorder? No, it's not because of vaccines Jenny McCarthy. Many think it's better diagnosis methods, others just think it's because we're turning normal behaviors into an illness (more on that later).

Autism is mainly characterized as a lack of proper social interaction and development. Those who are Autistic have difficulty communicating and interacting with others, such as avoiding eye contact or having trouble speaking. They are obsessed with a limited number of things, and practice repetitive/compulsive behaviors. They often experience anxiety with sensitivity to sounds and other things. Lastly, they also have trouble recognizing other people's emotions.

Basically, they don't fit in. Our modern world is all about communicating and social interaction, and Autistic people are the complete opposite about that, preferring to be alone. To us, they're "disabled".

Autism: Not a Mental Disorder, But a Survival Leftover from Our Ancestors

Why Autism might have been an awesome survival "programming".

Back before agriculture, humans hunted and gathered food to survive. These past humans actually were smart and talented, but in completely different ways than today. They were much more in tune with the environment. They could memorize terrain, which plants and animals made good food, how to get them, and were much more sensitive with their senses. They made tools to help them hunt and build shelter, and our athletes today are physically what your average human was back then due to this lifestyle. Most people worked together to accomplish getting food, building tools, raising young, and creating shelter.

All the characteristics I mentioned about Autism above were helpful back in this era. Sure, good communication skills and teamwork is important if you live in a tribe who works together to gather food, but if you're already skilled enough to gather your own food do you really need a tribe? Nope. So communication skills are just another unnecessary worry you don't need. Plus, there's a good chance other people might have bad intentions, wanting your food and will kill you for it. So it's probably best just to ignore them and stay away.

What about all of those repetitive, compulsive, and obsessive behaviors? Well, if we apply those compulsions and repetitive actions to gathering and stockpiling food? Now we have an automatic survival talent. There is no thinking about when you should get food and how to organize it, you wake up in the morning and just do. After all, your only real goal is to survive, so you don't need to be distracted by things such as drawing on cave walls or doing rain dances.

Autism: Not a Mental Disorder, But a Survival Leftover from Our Ancestors
That anxiety to loud noises and the sensitivity to the environment is important when you could have predators sneaking all around wanting to make you their next meal. You shouldn't have to think if that twig snapping 30 meters behind you was a mountain lion or not, you should instantly kick in the "flight or fight" response and prepare for danger.

And one last small point, those who are Autistic enjoy being in the company of dogs. Most people do of course, but since dogs have been so critical to humanity's survival for thousands of years with hunting and companionship it makes sense why those with Autism would cherish them, even when they normally don't get along with other people.

Autism: Not a Mental Disorder, But a Survival Leftover from Our Ancestors

Basically, Autistic people were just humans who are specially "programmed" to do one thing: Survive. They don't care about culture and human interaction and such because they don't need to. They just need to make sure they have enough food to get through winter and a sharp enough spear for protection.

Autism in the Modern world.

Autism doesn't take on just one form or severity. It can range from mild social awkwardness to severe retardation, and it spans across all different intelligence levels and types of people. It also has a strong genetic tie, meaning that Autism has been passed down for generations. This makes sense because as I've already pointed out:

Autism has several survival benefits, and those affected not only were able to survive but were also perfectly capable of finding sexual partners to procreate with, despite the lack of social interaction. Autism wouldn't be so common or have made it this far if it were really that bad of a "disorder", social darwinism would have phased it out long ago.

What makes Autism so "bad" today is that our world forces them into an environment they can't live well in. Food, water, and shelter are already provided by parents. Instead of teaching them to create bows & arrows or stockpile, we try to teach them language and being around others, something they don't really like or excel at. Instead their lack of interaction with others is seen as rude and wrong, and today even people who are introverted are also treated this way. With the need to stockpile and hunt removed from their lives, they've become bored now and stack blocks, flip light switches, or collect meaningless items to keep themselves busy.

All in all, Autism is not a "disease" nor something "bad". It's a very special way that humans have developed over time, but with our relatively quick advances in civilization and technology their unique skills are no longer necessary. It saddens me when I see people asking if we should abort Autistic children or parents disowning their Autistic children, because in reality their child has received a very special gift that they are unable to reach potential with.

Autism: Not a Mental Disorder, But a Survival Leftover from Our Ancestors
So overall, please respect and help those with Autism. They're normal people like you and me, just their minds see the world differently.

Autism: Not a Mental Disorder, But a Survival Leftover from Our Ancestors
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