Ending Both the Racism and Sexism Debates

Hey guys!

Remember me? I'm the guy who likes to point out the things that nobody really wants to hear! Today we are going to completely destroy both the debate about everyone is racist and the debate around everyone is sexist. Ready? I don't think I have to write in my usual disclaimers because this will be very short and to the point. What I'm about to point out is all just common sense stuff that people get too tunnel-visioned and red-sighted to see.

So first the racism debate:

First things first: broad statements such as "All white people are racist" are simply stupid and anyone who believes that should never be taken seriously. Second, people say "Black people can't be racist because they are a part of a minority and racism implies privilege!" The only thing I have to say to you is go and buy a dictionary or better yet here just use this: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=Racism+definition

Just click that link if you're too lazy to use google. Racism is on a per person basis. Even though one cop is a racist the next might not be and even so if they are what are the actual odds that all the jury members and the judge and all the lawyers in the world are racist. Besides saying all police officers are racist and holding the belief that black people can't be racist is just proving my point for you because there is a very large percentage of black police officers! I've met white cops, Chinese cops, Japanese cops, black cops, native cops, and women cops. Needless to say we need to treat racism on a per case basis not just automatically assume because stupid people did something awful that all people will follow suit.

Second, sexism.

Ok ok well basically take everything I said above and replace the word racism with sexism. I'll even provide you idiots with broken fingers another link so you can be lazy: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=Sexism+Definition

Basically what I'm saying in a nut shell is "Don't assume all people are bad because one person is bad"

And yes you third wave feminism bloggers who are about to comment: Women can be sexist, Men can be sexist, White people can be racist, Black people can be racist, there is absolutely no systemic oppression going on in any western country, and we all need to stop making broad claims because all that does is piss people off.

If you want make these accusations to people be my guest I don't care. When you start getting threats and people start hating you and you become the Voldemort of your life and nobody wants to be around you and your only friends are your Tumblr followers don't say I didn't warn you. If you want respect treat people with respect. You want to be treated better, then treat others better. It's really a simple concept. You get what you give and turnabout is fair play.

Ending Both the Racism and Sexism Debates

Ending Both the Racism and Sexism Debates
Post Opinion