6 Reasons Why the Internet Can Be a Really Stupid Place


Time to delve into the deep problems of the internet.

6 Reasons Why the Internet Can Be a Really Stupid Place

1. Opinions that aren't blatant hate speeches aren't allowed on the internet (or even in real life really but people speak out more here)

Have you ever said an opinion that wasn't even a hate speech or anything offensive and people still got mad at you? Well that happens to a lot of us online sadly. It seems no one can handle opinions these days, which is weird considering they're opinions. Then you get like tons of people ganging up on you over an opinion and it's like: but why?

6 Reasons Why the Internet Can Be a Really Stupid Place

2. People seem really mad on the internet for some reason

You've seen the people who talk in all caps and swear a lot. I mean they're hard to miss considering THEY'RE ALWAYS LIKE THIS!!!!!!! You also can't help reading it in a yelling voice and making them sound mad. There's also the people who are genuinely mad for no reason and you wonder why they're mad. Then you find out it's over a stupid reason and you can't help face palming.

6 Reasons Why the Internet Can Be a Really Stupid Place

3. Keyboard warriors

Remember the last time you told some asshole off and then like a minute later the person comes back and starts telling you off and says he fucked your mom and said he would beat the shit out of you in real life...? Ya those people.....not nice people. Happens a lot to people.

6 Reasons Why the Internet Can Be a Really Stupid Place

4. The wrong side of the internet

Have you ever stumbled to the wrong, creepy and weird side of the internet? It's like all the basement dwellers live over there and it's pretty depressing. Or somehow you got to the dark web, I mean it is decently hard but you can maybe accidentally go there. It's pretty fucked up over there.

6 Reasons Why the Internet Can Be a Really Stupid Place

5. Thirsty guys/girls

I am pretty sure A LOT of girls and maybe sometimes guys know what this is all about. It's pretty self explanatory actually..... some guys/girls don't have some sort of self control or can't keep their perverted thoughts to themselves.

6 Reasons Why the Internet Can Be a Really Stupid Place

6. People who say they will DDOS you or give away personal information.

These people are probably the worst people on the internet by far. I mean they say they will tell people where you live or post pictures of yourself. Or they will DDOS you and you won't have internet or something. I mean maybe they do that to make up for the masculinity they don't have.

Well that's it, I hope you enjoyed my OPINIONS of how some internet people are....hehehehe.

6 Reasons Why the Internet Can Be a Really Stupid Place
8 Opinion