17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet


1 - Have an opinion

17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet

2 - Obsession

17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet
17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet

3 -Like Justin Bieber

17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet

4 - Game war
17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet

17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet

5 - Contradict yourself (on purpose)

17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet

6 - Cats

17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet

7 - Troll environmentalists

17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet

8 - Hate anime

9 - Love Trump

10 - Hate Emma Watson

11- Say you're feminist

12 - Talk about jogging

13 - Make Hitler jokes

14 - Say you're racist!

15 - Star Trek is better then Star Wars

16 - Make a grammar erorr

18 - Make a list

17 - Miss a number on that list

17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet

Let the troll inside you come out, and bring other ideas that piss off the internet.

17 Ways You're Guaranteed to Piss Off the Internet
36 Opinion