Why the "Patriarchy" Is Just the Feminist's Boogey Man


Ah, the patriarchy. Women, especially feminists, can't stop complaining about it. It allows a man to have as much sex as he wants, earn as much money as he wants, and slap as many hoes as he wants. But newsflash, ladies...IT'S NOT REAL! Contrary to what some penile-phobic women say...

Why the "Patriarchy" Is Just the Feminist's Boogey Man

The patriarchy was once real a long time ago, we're talking the 1950s. But since then, the "man's world" as you know it has been a straight-up myth and fantasy.

Think about it, if men are so favored, and women are cast aside, how come...

When women cry, everybody in earshot will drop what they're doing to comfort her. And when men cry, we get made fun of.

Women win alimony divorce cases 98% of the time, and their men end up broke and probably kill themselves and they are laughing.

Men hitting women for any reason is discouraged and wrong, even in life or death situations. But women hitting men for practically no reason is encouraged and rewarded.

Women are considered...

Why the "Patriarchy" Is Just the Feminist's Boogey Man

And MEN are considered...monsters and...

Why the "Patriarchy" Is Just the Feminist's Boogey Man

And ladies, if the patriarchy still exists--AND IT BLOODY DOESN'T!--you would have absolutely no say concerning who you could reproduce with, where you could work, if you were even allowed to work outside the kitchen, and in a shitty relationship or marriage you could not escape from.

And since dumb people like feminists love pretty pictures, here...

Why the "Patriarchy" Is Just the Feminist's Boogey Man
Why the "Patriarchy" Is Just the Feminist's Boogey Man
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