9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture


I was thinking of making this my take for a while. I am glad @aledeeurope and @Omar5881 gave me the extra push. This is a very small percentage of the phenomenal Islamic architecture that is available.

I remember learning about the Islamic culture in my humanities class in my freshman year of college. I would take that class again in a heartbeat and my professor was awesome. Even though he is very absent-minded. I remember multiple times he would come to class with his shirt buttoned wrong, but he is brilliant. I also tried to get more than one picture for each example. I feel one picture from the outside doesn't do it justice. Sadly, some of these have been destroyed.

Badshahi Mosque

9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture

Selimiye Mosque

9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture


9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture

Umayyad Mosque

9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture

Sultan Ahmed Mosque

9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture

Taj Mahal

9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture

Shah Mosque

9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture

The Great Mosque of Samaria

9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture

Mezquita De Córdoba

9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
9 Phenomenal Examples of Islamic Architecture
13 Opinion