Why I Am Positive For The Future Of American Society

Why I Am Positive For The Future Of American Society

In my daily life I am a hardened Conservative. I have voted based on Conservative values for the majority of my adult life. I have a great amount of respect for what the United States stands for, or what I interpret that it stands for; Liberty and Justice For All. I'm a Catholic, a Supporter of the Armed Forces, and a believer in the Constitution.

For most of my adolescence I grew up in a society that was anti-Republican, or had a bad impression of Republicans based on what they had heard, what some leaders of the party believed themselves, or yes, legitimate scandals and corruption. Most of my peers considered themselves to be "Liberal" or it's synonymous political party, "Democrat", not that corruption or scandals have never been found there either, but somehow it was always "Bad to be Republican".

I often kept my pro-capitalist, pro-nationalist, Patriotic outlook to myself based on the fear that I assume the Left feels towards Conservatives. They want to hold their views and values without discrimination, and as do I.

As I grew from a child into a man, I noticed that politics was often a subject best left at home because of the fact that it was liable to cause division and persecution of a particular sect if that particular sect was in fact out numbered. I've seen politics destroy friendships, even families over the years, something that I believe is a tragedy.

So, much to my surprise these, let's say last 5-7 years, I noticed that politics was taking a much more aggressive approach and that it was continuously being covered and propagandized. A welcomed relief for some, an headache for others.

Ultimately, it all came to a head this year, with Socialist Bernie Sanders, Conservative Donald Trump, Leftist-Capitalist Hillary Clinton, and Religious Conservative Ted Cruz being shown on American and World Wide media daily, with much division and trouble ensuing between sects because of it.

As time wore on, dissatisfaction grew among political fence dwellers and Trump began to gain more and more traction which lead up to him being elected as POTUS over Hillary Clinton. Tensions had reached their peak and they had now erupted. Catharsis for some, disbelief and anger for others.

However the more I look at what is happening across the world, with tensions rising and boiling over, there is one thing that I believe will come to pass. At some point we will realize to not allow our political ideologies, views, morals, principles define who we are.

While some may gloat now and some may be angry, I truly believe, or maybe I should say hope, that we all want a better America, and the only way to create it is to work together.

At that moment we will all come to the bargaining table to move forward from any and all destruction that has ensued to this point. If history has taught us anything it's that even the most combative enemies can reach an agreement if they so will to do so.

At the end of today, tomorrow, and the day after that, we are all still human, still American and I think regardless of what we believe, we truly only strive for what we believe is right, and doing what is right is the American way. If we can try to work together and allow each other the freedom to think and act on our own accord without infringing upon the rights of another citizen which I believe at some point we will (Otherwise we'll see this country torn apart from inside) we'll realize that we are only hurting ourselves by pulling apart, and if we just try to fix the problems that exist together without being told by the elite that we are somehow different and at odds, we'll all find what we're looking for.

I think there's nowhere to go but up. And that gives me hope for the future and for this country.

Keep believing in yourself. And God Bless America.

Why I Am Positive For The Future Of American Society
Why I Am Positive For The Future Of American Society
11 Opinion