6 Tips to Help You Beat Procrastination and Keep Your New Year Resolutions - Part 1

Tips to Help You Beat Procrastination and Keep Your New Year Resolutions - Part 1

So you've set your goals, made your resolutions, hit the ground running, ...but how long does that last? Here are some tips to help keep you on track to success:

1. Don’t wait until you feel like it

What if you never feel like it? Then nothing would ever get done.

Don’t think about finishing the job, just get started. It’s like how Newton’s first law goes: an object at rest tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in motion. Getting started is the hard part but once you start then your momentum can keep you going.

6 Tips to Help You Beat Procrastination and Keep Your New Year Resolutions - Part 1

2. Five minute takeoff

Try to stick with a task for 5 minutes - that’s all. If you have to be on task for short periods of time then there will be less resistance to doing it. After 5 minutes you may feel like carrying on and doing more, if not then at least you got something done.

3. Set deadlines

I have never self-imposed deadlines on myself before but I may give this a try. If a plan is long term with no clear end in sight, then you can put things off indefinitely. You need some idea of when you want to get things done or else they often won’t get done at all.

4. Break things down into smaller goals and tasks

If your goal is long term then you can decrease delay by breaking it down into smaller goals. Then work backward to create daily and weekly goals.

For example, if you want to give up alcohol (perhaps you drank too much on new year's eve) then start by going one day without alcohol. Then go for one week, one month, and so on, progressively reaching each smaller goal and before you know it you're clean.

I'm using this point right now by breaking down my take into parts to make it more manageable.

5. Make specific goals

Want to exercise? Okay, for how much? How long? Instead of saying I’ll exercise for a little bit today say I’ll exercise for 15 minutes or do 20 reps.

Want to lose weight? Again, how much and in what time frame?

6 Tips to Help You Beat Procrastination and Keep Your New Year Resolutions - Part 1

6. Focus on the process, not the results

Measure your success by how much effort you’re putting in, because not everything is in your control.

6 Tips to Help You Beat Procrastination and Keep Your New Year Resolutions - Part 1
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