Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language

Foreign Languages

Nowadays, we live in a world where media and communication are essential. A lot of communication happens through the internet. Learning a foreign language will make you smarter and improve your memory. Of course, it’s not an easy process and it does take time and effort. The investment will be worth it!

Foreign languages

In our daily life we are confronted with English more than French. You must be motivated, because it’s an important factor to be able to speak a language. It's true that English has become a universal language over the past years. This fact, however, really should have little effect on your decision to learn a foreign language.

It could be useful if you speak and understand the language when you go on holidays, because regular contact with native speakers is insurmountable. Being able to talk to them in their own language, will help you to communicate with them. Speaking the foreign language will add a new dimension to your holiday. Besides the inhabitants will really appreciate it.

If you have a more advanced knowledge of the language, you should be able to have real conversations with the people you meet, which can be very interesting. Or you can understand what the native speakers are saying to each other in their own language. So you can just sit there without talking and completely understand what they are saying.

The drawback is that we mostly don’t use the difficult vocabulary we learn at school. It’s too bad. The quantity of subject material plays an important role in what we are capable of. Too many subjects for tuition at once won’t help you. Try to separate it. Don’t see studying languages as an obligation. You can learn languages in a playful way like playing games, watching shows, ... Try to often listen to music in several languages. You will see it’s fun! At the same time you also practise your pronunciation, when you sing along with your favourite songs. It’s a very convenient way to improve your languages for example your English.

Last but not least, the only way to learn a language is to speak it out loud. But don’t forget that practise makes perfect! Everyone makes mistakes.

~ A/N: I'm sorry if there are any spelling/ grammar mistakes, English isn't my mothertongue haha. I wrote this a while ago and thought I'd give it a shot. Belgium has 3 official languages: French, Dutch and German. During high school we have to learn them all + English. Later German, Latin and Spanish are optional. Just thought I'd share this :) ~

#culture #languages #traveling #opinion

Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language
Post Opinion