There's Nothing Wrong With NOT Having Kids!

There are seven billion people in the world...

This is enough already. The Earth is finite and can only support given amounts of people, just common sense really...

There's Nothing Wrong With NOT Having Kids!

It's not a sign of failure, despite what religious people say...

Muslims and Christians reckon it's a sign of failure, it's not. They both have traditions in which it's good to not have kids. Some Muslim clerics don't, and Catholic priest aren't supposed to (some monks don't or didn't long ago). The only REAL imperative God has of man is to worship him. I don't think He cares if people have kids or not. Who will he choose for heaven, a sinner with kids, or a righteous person who is childless?

There's Nothing Wrong With NOT Having Kids!

Having kids alone isn't a virtue.

What about ghetto parents who raise their children to be criminals? Is that good or virtuous?

Fuck no. Any man can come in a woman's pussy, big deal...

It's selfish

There's no human who isn't selfish. It's just the extent and degree. Even people with kids are selfish, it's human. People don't even have kids to "benefit humanity" it's about prolonging their progeny, or ensuring they have an heir. How the fuck is that not selfishness? Think about it, in forty years or so, there may have been a King William V of UK and King George you think Prince Willy/Kate had a kid out of "joy" or "happiness", or to ensure the House of Windsor continues? hmmmmm...

There's Nothing Wrong With NOT Having Kids!

It adds to the world

So does having a job, so does volunteering, so do people without kids who made great scientific discoveries like Einstein. Or Tesla. Or Caesar, who was never Emperor, but then made sure the foundations for the Roman Empire were laid.

It's largely conservative people who say that having kids is good, but it's not. They're sucked in by their religion, their church, or their elders and stuff.

There's Nothing Wrong With NOT Having Kids!
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