Manspreading and Mansplaining; first country feminism movements


What is Manspreading and Mansplaining?

Manspreading is a term used by Third-Wave Feminists to describe men who spread their legs - particularly on subway trains.

Manspreading and Mansplaining; first country feminism movements
Manspreading and Mansplaining; first country feminism movements

Manspreading is speech used by a man to explain to a woman about something that she already knows.

Manspreading and Mansplaining; first country feminism movements

Manspreading and Mansplaining; first country feminism movements

I think manspreading and mansplaining are two false issues that were started by feminists in first rate countries like America and the UK. While I can understand there should be a common courtesy in the subways, I don't find how a man sits is an issue. men sit naturally with his legs apart so he doesn't hurt his balls.

Both men and women love power, not one gender over the other. Both do crazy things to extend power, but men are more likely shown than a woman in the media and history books when it comes to obtaining power. But women love it too, just look at Queen Mary Tudor of England and Queen Elizabeth Tudor, both asserted dominance over religion, forcing groups to flee.

Manspreading and Mansplaining; first country feminism movements
9 Opinion