Can I Do Business With Gay People?

Can I Do Business with Gay People?

I was laughing to myself writing that title, because it seems totally ridiculous to me that anyone would ask that because of course I would and I have done business with gay clients. As a small business owner, with my photography business, I'm there to make a profit, and when the Supreme Court ruling that gays could marry came into full effect, I and my wallet became excited because I knew I could easily tap into and advertise for this new market. Despite my gusto about not caring who people are if their business, aka, their money was green, I also realized that even within saying that, I too had my limits.

Can I Do Business With Gay People?

I've never had this come up thankfully because a lot of my business is repeat, through referral, or with clients and organizations I know of or have known, but I thought to myself, what if I got a call for some portraits from a client that was somehow known to be like a racist, or pedophile, or some other vile type of person...would I be willing to take on their business, and the answer is a resounding no. Money is money is money has it's limits for me when it comes to my own personal morality. I've seen too many people hurt by the actions of people like this to be able to ignore who they are as a person and knowingly shoot them.

There is however, a vast difference between someone who's actions are intended to do harm to someone or others, and say not wanting to do business with someone because of their skin color, gender, or sexuality which does not in fact inform you as to the nature of their character.

I bring this up because of course there is a case being argued right now in the Supreme Court because in 2012, a same-sex couple received a marriage license in Massachusetts and asked Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado, to bake a cake with rainbow colors inside for their reception back home in Colorado. Phillips declined citing his faith. He said, “I don’t feel like I should participate in their wedding, and when I do a cake, I feel like I am participating in the ceremony or the event or the celebration that the cake is for." But wait, Phillips also went on to say that he would HAPPILY sell them his baked good for any other events or occasions, but not a wedding which is the equivalent, at least to me of saying something like, "I'm not racist, but..."

Can I Do Business With Gay People?

I think this guy is giving cake a lot more credit than it deserves! I mean since when have you ever sat at a wedding wondering if say the chicken and mash you're eating signifies to you that the chef is a supporter of the marriage of a couple. It's food! Rarely does anyone at a wedding actually publicly give credit to whomever made the food anyway unless it was a family member or they have to do so in order to get a discount.

Not so long ago in the US, people had the same sort of "moral convictions" about serving black people. They didn't want their kind at their food counters, drinking from the same fountains, being served like everyone else, riding at the front of buses, or able to access the same jobs, education and housing. We look back at that time period now, and most of us think, how terrible and ridiculous that was just because of someone's skin color, and yet here we are in 2017 and what is the difference exactly? If for no other reason than a skin color, or a gender, or a sexuality, we can all start saying no for supposed moral or religious convictions, that can have no end in the level of discrimination that can be lobbed at not just gay people, but further reaching into anyone these people deem to be not able to be served due to their beliefs.

Can I Do Business With Gay People?

In this particular case, if ones morals are so strong and there is a belief that this couple cannot be married while gay by Phillips, they are still gay and married when they eat those baked goods he says he will happily serve. His baked goods will help sustain these gay men and keep them alive in order to still be gay and married. They may indeed take said goods to other events where there will be other gay married couples. How is that in any less support of gay couples if we're using his blue print of what it means to support and subsequently believe in gay marriage? I mean, come on!!!

Phillips, it is noted, does not pass the same judgment on straight married couples whom he does not know if they are good Christian couples. He only knows that they are straight, and so that of course makes them good people worthy of cake...she says sarcastically.

Can I Do Business With Gay People?
79 Opinion