5 Reasons Why We Still Need Feminism

5 Reasons Why We Still Need Feminism




the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

We’ve much hatred against feminism but that’s because of misconceptions we’ve and people we see around us. Many people hate feminism just because their friends hate it. (I used to do that as well). It is like supporting Trump without knowing the principles of the democratic party itself.

Also, many people hate it because of “Feminazis”. First of all, I’d like to make it clear that Feminazis do not represent the whole feminist movement. It is like judging Christianity on the basis of KKK or Islam based on ISIS.

Secondly, the number of feminazis or man-haters is much less than you imagine. Thanks to the internet, if a feminazi shames men publicly then that video goes viral in a minute. But if real feminists spend all if their life helping women who need it, trying to help them to get social justice then also irrespective of their efforts, their work goes unnoticed. Because people love to watch things they can make fun of and ignore serious inspirational stories. Like this one:

Thirdly, Feminism is not an organization. It is a movement with which many organizations are associated. It is a personal belief and your choice. It is like religion. BUT like in every religion, if a Cristian extremist says “Kill all the Muslims” then you can’t blame pope for his actions. Like that, other feminists are not always responsible for Feminazi's actions. They’re self-proclaimed. I wonder why they aren’t abolished yet.

Note: In this take whenever I say “Feminist”, I’m referring to a person who wants gender equality and not female supremacy or men hater. It is someone supporting equality

Do we still need feminism? Women have right to vote, They’re allowed to run for presidential elections, they’ve more privileges than men do, they’ve equal rights as men do then why do we still need feminism now? Because feminism is not only about political equality. It is about social equality as well. I completely agree women are not oppressed (in west ONLY) but that doesn’t mean complete liberation. Since it is a social movement, social mindset changes very slowly. It took us 324 years (3 centuries) to think equally of women, before which women were considered as Men’s property. Here are some points that STILL show social inequality towards women.

1) Cat Calling Is Still A Thing

5 Reasons Why We Still Need Feminism

Catcalling is not complimenting. It is the most disgusting way you talk about women’s body. I’ve seen happening it to my lady friend and I’ve seen my male friends doing it. It is way much common and people actually feel proud for catcalling random women on street. Statistics say 65% of all women had experienced street harassment. Among all women, 23% had been sexually touched, 20% had been followed, and 9% had been forced to do something sexual. Now 65% isn’t a small percent, is it?

Women aged 15-44 are more at risk from rape and domestic violence than
from cancer, car accidents, war and malaria, according to World Bank data.

2) Blaming Women For Is Still Common

5 Reasons Why We Still Need Feminism

I observed this in recent take I wrote “Justifications given by rapists for their actions”. People on G@G actually upvoted people who supported the rapist. You can still check those statistics although some extreme comments are already removed. Victim blaming is getting common these days. “She asked me to rape her and provocational clothing was a signal” “No means Yes” . Some people were low af commenting “If she dresses provocationally then she deserved to be raped”

That’s victim blaming and it is the worst thing can happen to you after getting raped. Inversely It is like saying if a man goes shirtless in public then he deserves to be raped. I’m not saying it should happen to men but look at yourself. We teach our daughters how to defend yourself instead of teaching our sons how to be a gentleman

3) Lack of women in leadership roles

5 Reasons Why We Still Need Feminism

Women account for 50% of American population. Yet, according to a 2017 PEW research study, 21% of the US Senate are women, 19.1% of the US House are women, 8 % of governors are women, 5.4% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women, and 20.2% of Fortune 500 board members are women. Which is very low considering the fact that women are as good leaders as men.

4) Sexual Harassment At Workplace is Still Common

5 Reasons Why We Still Need Feminism

According to the world bank data,

•Between 40 and 50 percent of women in European Union countries experience unwanted sexual advancements, physical contact or other forms of sexual harassment at their workplace.

• In the United States, 83 percent of girls aged 12 to 16 experience some form of sexual harassment in public schools.

• Small surveys in Asia-Pacific countries indicate that 30 to 40 percent of women workers report some form of harassment – verbal, physical or sexual.

Thanks to #MeToo movement that women are breaking silence

Many people argue that wage gap doesn’t really exist. Women tend to work less, take less risk and don’t have dedication like men. That’s true, However, Why’d a woman enjoy working in your company if someone is regularly harassing her on workplace Even I’d quit my job if it happens to me.

5) Sex-Selective Abortion Is In Favour Of Men

5 Reasons Why We Still Need Feminism

Sex-selective abortion is the practice of aborting the unborn infant because of its sex. It takes place if one of the genders has more advantage over the other. As we all know, men are stronger and hence less liked to be harmed, earn more for the same post than women (assuming pay gap exist), are more protective than women, more families prefer male child over female. If not abortion then the female child is abolished or treated inferiorly in her family. While this is more common in Asian countries, it still exists in America.

All you read are just problems in America. Not to mention worldwide there are more problems than this starting with genital mutilation, honor killing, foecide killing, domestic abuse, slut shaming, REAL wage gap, child marriges, forced prostitution and so on. We've much more to achieve. Look around you, outside your living place and just observe female oppression statistics around the world. They're fascinating.

MyTake Ends here. And now before you comment down and shame me, call me a male feminist, white knight or whatever you want to. just remember, I’m the same person who wrote a satire on feminist women 2 days ago. I do support feminism and calling me ass*ole won’t solve any of those problems. I wrote this take because of your hatred towards feminism. I get downvoted every time I post “I’m feminist” so for once and all, cuss me as much as you can, hate me as much as you can, block me if you want to. And I’m allowing anonymous option too so you can criticize me freely hiding behind that mask.

5 Reasons Why We Still Need Feminism
Post Opinion