10 Things Feminism Should Be



Feminism should be about being positive, rational and respectful.

All I know about feminism from what I see is that they are aggressive and unfair while promoting this "equality".

I am for women, girls to have "equal" rights as men, boys. I believe no one should be subjected just because they are a women, male, race or religion. Under some circumstances like sports teams, washrooms, boy scouts etc. Then there has to be a fine line to say girls/women can't join boy/men groups everything can't be meshed together. So when feminists say "equality" I find it as a misleading objective.

I for one know generally speaking equality does not exist based on factors like race, religion, gender, economic status, hair color, physical ability, mental capacity and health care the list goes on.

Everyone should have a fair opportunity. Despite living in a society that is inconsistent, subjective and unorganized.

Here are 10 things feminism should be.

1. Feminism should be about uplifting women and girls.

Uplifting women doesn't mean you bash men or indoctrinate boys and girls to hate men.

2. Feminism should be about women building a constructive, safe community

Protesting, rioting all that stuff does nothing. Only makes feminism look bad, unorganized and miseducated.

3. Feminism should be about Respecting that men are different

Men and women are different from each other and there is nothing wrong with that. Nothing can change our differences other than drugs and years of mental illness neglect.

10 Things Feminism Should Be

4. Feminism needs to be about realizing women and men are not equal on many factors

Women have skills that men lack and men have skills women lack. For for some skills it may vary. For others we are at the same skill level depending mostly on the individual.

5. Feminism should be about respecting opposite view points

Even with so called touchy subjects feminist are quick to get angry due to someone disagreeing. They should know that not everyone is going to agree and need better ways in handling disagreements.

6. Feminism should mean you have respect for yourself.

Things like slut walks and etc are counter productive. Why not have events where women share their experiences on how they can make each other better. Sure I do agree women should be able to wear whatever they want or lack there of like men (topless in public). But that doesn't mean feminist have to sexualize the promotions or awareness. No civil person can take events like slutwalk seriously.

7. Feminism should be about building productive homes, families and relationships as wife and husband.

10 Things Feminism Should Be

With modern feminism being thrown down our throats it does effect families. Due to the fact that marriage and divorce benefits the women, women will abuse marriage to get what they want not caring about who will get hurt.

Many women today are against masculine fathers to a point they feminize their son's and masculate their daughters to be the boss of the house.

8. Feminism should be about educating yourself and knowing your history

Feminism does not promote self-education or education generally. If that were the case then not many feminists would be around. Smart women equate to less modern day feminism.

9. Feminism should not be over exposed in hollywood.

Not saying women shouldn't play certain roles but to gender swap and female reboot movies is overwhelming.

10. Feminism should be about being happy to be women/girl and accepting that men are men and boys will be boys.

10 Things Feminism Should Be

Modern feminist look sad, angry and salty. Many work high paying jobs, the best jobs have good husbands yet they still seem so angry at men and create these illusions.

If it's about higher pay then start your own bushiness. If feminism can rally year around then they can spare time plan their own female business as a collective group.

In conclusion.

Maybe I'm 100% wrong and feminism does do all the things I stated above but from what I have seen feminist are aggressive. This means feminists needs to adjust themselves so we can avoid discussions like these that produces to nothing.

I don't hate women. Women are a work of art, they are great care givers, cookers, they provider sufficient emotional support and so much more. Many are great at fixing things, teachers, intelligent, great at using machinery as well as being strong-supportive human beings.

My problem is modern day current extremist feminism. There is nothing wrong with a women running for president or being the boss. Feminism need to change their image, learn how to talk to people respectfully and productively.

With that I say EXCELSIOR!!!!

10 Things Feminism Should Be
54 Opinion