4 Things People Need to Stop Saying About Feminism

4 Things People Need to Stop Saying About Feminism

Since there been nothing about people bitching about feminism and I'm getting annoyed enough to write about this. So here it is things people need to stop saying about feminism.

1. I'm a man hater

Funny the people who says I'm a man hater because I'm a feminist but doesn't have ANY evidence I said anything negative towards the male gender. Also funny how I am getting grouped with people that said this shit (as feminists) when in fact I never said these kind of things. Funny when I look online I see way more people bashing women then so call feminists. People who hate feminists doesn't want feminists to group people and judge every man for one man actions but.... your doing the same thing to feminists.

2. I don't not think men or anyone is less then women

Someone please speak to every single feminist in the world and ask her if she feels this way then to assume I feel that way. Assumptions don't get you far and make you look stupid when you have no evidence to back up your assumption that every feminist feels that men are less then women.

4 Things People Need to Stop Saying About Feminism

3. I promote hate against men.

I laugh at this all the time all the time because you see way more online men and women bashing feminism.Also what's funny is you say feminists are promoting hate but how are you getting far if your promoting hate as well.

4. I am not sorry about the extreme feminists

When I see people who are so against feminism it makes me realize. I am not sorry for the extreme feminists because lets face it if you going to hate me for no reason or not getting to know me because I'm feminist.I'm not sorry that the extremists are getting on your nerves I say GOOD. Plus if I'm not doing the crap they are doing I'm not going to say sorry for them and I'm not going to defend their actions but I can defend the movement.

Plus not every crazy extremist online shows the whole group views. Don't assume when you have not talk to every single feminist. Plus don't assume what you think its true if you not talking to every person part of the group. When you only see extremist behavior you seem the worst about people who are part of the movement.

4 Things People Need to Stop Saying About Feminism

4 Things People Need to Stop Saying About Feminism
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