Let's Talk about Looks...

Let's Talk about Looks...

Let's be honest, people look strange. Straight and simple, our body structure just looks strange, why many don't want to go in the buff. Our walk, our mannerisms, our eye movement, our way of moving our mouths when we talk, our facial expressions, how we can't read each others thoughts but yet we can tell certain things that might escape to their outward selves.

But certain factors might be to blame of why this is.

Can Anybody Say Without a Shadow of a Doubt that They are Beautiful/Handsome, Free of any Insecurities?

When we are alone or with people who know us we could care less about a stray hair or nail polish being a little chipped. But when we walk out in public this changes, a feeling bubbles up inside us that magnifies every little flaw that normally could mean nothing in our minds.

The issue is you know the truth, that people are judging you by your appearance at first impression. This is not right but it is how we are. The person who sits next to you on the bus doesn't know anything about you except what you look like so they judge you on that, and unfortunately their reaction could be less than kind.

Why can't we look at someone and not scrutinize or praise. Why can't we be indifferent? (I mean we really don't know them till we know them)

People say don't judge a book by its cover, open up the book, learn more, and then make your decision. But you can't do that with everyone you come across, actually you have to judge a book by its cover more in life.


Makeup is like what a doctor costume is to a hospital, it may look legit and it may be the person, but is the credibility there or is it a lie, its a lie. Makeup is a mask of the truth and plays a factor in our distorted vision of ideal beauty.

Many say they can't go without it because they would be ugly, well doesn't that trample on their very claims of beauty is about the inside.

This is a valid answer nevertheless because they know the truth, what people see at first dictates the decision of whether to give you the time of day or not.

Too many people play the victim.

Most of the criticism people receive is by themselves. Yes, perhaps a group of kids said you were unattractive once upon a time in the past. But you chose to hold on to it and remember it, giving it power. And you allowed that criticism to manifest itself into a large portion of self-doubt within yourself. And for some they were not insulted about physical appearance, perhaps the opposite, but they still find something physical about themselves to dislike.


Most people don't pick up detail. You know yourself better than anyone else, so when you focus mainly on yourself, you find those tiny "imperfections (you call it that no one else)" and base your resulting perception of yourself on that.

People That Say They Don't Care, Care The Most.

Deep down we all have insecurities, but if you face discussion of looks and brush it off as I don't care most likely you do. It is better to face every single one and find the root and an opposing mindset to counter the self-doubt.


I don't understand why we do this to ourselves. It distorts our perception of beautiful. It creates a make believe representation of what people should look like to be considered beautiful

It is awful because Photoshop is so far from reality. It makes that bridge to being able to accept our looks that much wider.

Let's Talk about Looks...

Possible solutions

Present yourself with media that is not based on appearance but on intellect or personality:

Beliefs are formed in the subconscious mind as a result of repetition. Repeatedly looking at models and Photoshopped celebrities will do a number on your overall perception of others and the world.

The crime the media has done is that they portrayed good looking people as heroes, kind ones, at times wealthy and doers of good while on the other hand they gave the evil roles to people who are not that handsome, the opposite.

Give a Every Person a Chance:

One popular psychological fact states that if you met a person who was really nice and interesting then most probably you will think that all of those who look like him to be interesting people.

Make friends with different people, your perspective widens and you are more versatile or at least less willing to grab hold of biases and will see the flesh but will be willing to seek the heart with more people.

Let's Talk about Looks...
Post Opinion