Stereotyping Isn't All That Bad

Stereotyping Isn't All That Bad

Stereotyping is categorizing humans according to any differences that might exist between them. This categorizing can descend from race, religion, culture, gender to type of clothing, financial status, job, marital status and so on.. But can all these factors have been originated without the existence of actual differences? I mean there must be reasons for it.

So why are people making all this fuss fighting stereotyping, claiming that it's absolutely wrong! People are different that's a fact, so assuming certain characteristics for different types of people seems nothing but logical to me. Judging people according to certain factors is what am completely against.

The difference between assuming and judging is actually huge according to the definition of both words. Assuming means considering certain traits for each type, based on previous knowledge or experience and scientific facts, just considering not knowing for sure. Judging on the other hand means knowing for sure; "Oh look what she's wearing, she must be a whore!". Judging is absolutely wrong.

We can't completely ignore our experiences and the scientific facts, or else what exactly are we learning, and how are we improving! Shouldn't we be cautious, be prepared for what we might face? We definitely should, we also should keep an open mind about other possibilities. We must not close our minds with opinions about people based on what we hear or even our personal experiences with some of them, when we didn't actually get to know them, I mean this is just stupid.

All I'm saying is that we shouldn't be defined or judged based on stereotypes, but we also shouldn't completely ignore them.

Stereotyping Isn't All That Bad
37 Opinion