Most Annoying Stereotypes I Deal With on a Daily Basis

Stereotypes are everywhere! It's stupid and it's pissing me off.

I'm Mexican, so:

1. "You fucking illegal go back to where you came from!"

First off, I was born here so I'm American whether you like it or not, so you're stuck with me. :p

2. "What's up ESE?"

No, I'm not a "cholo" and I don't deal drugs. I'm just like you (but better if you thought this) and I hate that people immediately assume I'm a ghetto drop out cholo that doesn't have a future just because I'm Mexican smh

I swear I don't listen to this garbage! People like them just make the stereotypes grow:

3. "Mexicans are dumb AF!"

I'm a straight-A student and probably have a bigger future than you, so fuck off!

I'm a metalhead, so:

1. "Emo faggot!"

No, I'm not emo. I just like REAL music that takes REAL talent and has REAL lyrics. STFU; you listen to Little Wayne, you asshole! Plus, I'd rather be emo than to show my ass to the world!

Oh look this song talks about problems in this world! What am I saying?

2. "Satan worshipper!"

No you dumbass, listen to the lyrics before you jump to conclusions. And how the fuck does that make me a satanist anyways?

3. "You're not a real Christian and you will burn in hell!"

Since when is listening to music a sin? And I'm Catholic whether you like it or not; I'm just not as stupid and narrow-minded as you.

Okay, the screaming is brutal I admit, but that doesn't mean shit. Listen to this song; turn down the volume if this just ain't your thing but I just want you to look at the LYRICS:

4. "He's insane, don't talk to that kid."

I'm not crazy. I'm not demented. I'm just like you except I don't go around stereotyping. I have had people stop talking to me because I listen to metal, no joke.

I'm not insane! :p

I'm quiet, so:

1. "He's socially awkward."

No, I just don't talk as much as you.

2. "He will kill you."

No, you dumbass come talk to me and I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet. 😂

Yeah I deal with this shit a lot. Please stop believing stereotypes and be a nicer human being!


Most Annoying Stereotypes I Deal With on a Daily Basis
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