Stop Acting Like Two Wrongs Make a Right, People-- They Don't. Katy Perry.


This shouldn't take too long.

This was, in a way, inspired by a post I saw recently featuring Katy Perry kissing some dude on TV, on a game show or whatever. The post was aimed at feminists... or something. It was asking "where's the outrage?" The point was that there was little-to-no reaction in media or online, allegedly, at Katy Perry kissing this dude, "forcibly" or some junk, even though he was on a game show and knew something like that would probably happen (they probably even talked about it ahead of time backstage; there are no actual surprises on TV guys... it's all been planned out). Here's the video: He's leaning in for a kiss and then she pecks him back. That's it.

Here is the post claiming that... something was wrong? I guess?

So... the author makes the point that, were gender roles reversed, and it was a slightly older or even significantly older male giving a quick or a serious peck to a younger female, that THE INTERNET WOULD BE UP IN ARMS AND EXPLODE and "THE MEDIA" (whoever the hell that's even supposed to be) WOULD CRUCIFY HIM. Right? And, actually, she may be right. Many of the stupids of modern society, both male and female, view male sexuality as something inherently perverse or dangerous, and so when we see instances of an older guy "forcibly" (notice the air quotes) kissing a younger girl, HE'S A MONSTER KILL HIM WITH A SHOVEL. And the author, under the premise of wanting to keep things "fair" or something, suggests we should do the same to Katy Perry.

Even though... as you can see... it's on a game show and he almost certainly knew what was about to happen.

Stop Acting Like Two Wrongs Make a Right, People-- They Don't. Katy Perry.

^ As you can see, Picard's head hurts. My head hurts.

So let's string her up! Fuck Katy Perry!

Except... let's not. When are we going to learn that two wrongs don't make a right? The author of the post, asking "where's the outrage," suggests that the way to fight (stupid) outrage by bored Interneters about a theoretical (stupid) issue is to have MORE (stupid) outrage about OTHER (stupid) issues. Um... why? How is that going to help? Wouldn't we just be better served as a people by just realizing that inane issues don't actually matter, and important ones do? Who is being served by this response? Isn't the *better* choice to... acknowledge that none of this crap is a big deal? Whether the gender roles are like they were in the Katy Perry thing, or reversed? Telling all of us that Katy Perry sucks for this (she does suck, but for her music, not for this) is just as disingenuous and does just as poor service to the future poor bastard who does the same thing if the gender roles are reversed. The author's point is that people need to be uniform in their outrage for their outrage to matter, and she's right about that. But maybe we should just, you know, be mad about things that are actually fucking important.

THIS is what grinds your gears? Really? Katy Perry giving a dude a kiss?

Not mass pollution? or poverty? or urban sprawl? or overpopulation? or war? or marching? or mass shootings in America due to unhealthy gun culture? or balancing the federal budget? There's exactly one reason and one reason only why this clickbait continues to be shared: Because it's easy. It is the lowest common denominator in the cesspool of digital skullduggery. Stupid shit gets views because anyone with half a brain can make an opinion about it; more substantive matters are harder. That is not to say that romantic, sexual, physical attraction, etc. topics cannot or should not be talked about, or aren't important-- they can be, they should be, and they are.

Stop Acting Like Two Wrongs Make a Right, People-- They Don't. Katy Perry.

But calling a bullshit thing like ^ the Katy Perry thing important leads credit to all the bullshit #metoo stories that are actual bullshit. ^ This is not a #metoo or "#mentoo" issue-- spare me sis, you don't speak for me. Sexual assault is a very serious issue and needs to be taken as such, and comparing THIS drivel with serious stories is crap. It's hack work. It is no different from any #metoo story that is similar which claims it's doing something for a good cause. Save the serious stuff for serious stuff... this isn't serious. And bullshit outrage is bullshit outrage, no matter if the genders were swapped or not.

Thanks for reading.

Stop Acting Like Two Wrongs Make a Right, People-- They Don't. Katy Perry.
56 Opinion