President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!


I have been itching to write this MyTake, when this news story came out I knew I would write something about it. Every single time I hear this story on the news, I am itching to just get up from my seat, sprint to my laptop, and write an article about this.

Countless times on this website I've seen people defend Trump:

"TrUmP iS nOt a RaCiSt"

"YoU hAvE nO pRoOf TrUmP iS a RaCiSt."

And blah, blah, blah, all these people doing their best to defend Trump like he's some kind of great guy.

Recently Trump tweeted a racist tweet, targetting four democratic congresswomen (now being referred to as 'the squad') who are women of colour. The squad he targetted includes:

Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez -Of Puerto Rican descent, but born in the USA.

Ilhan Omar - A Somali Refugee, who has been a USA citizen since she was 13.

Rashida Taleb - Of Palestinean descent, but born in the USA.

Ayanna Pressley - An African-American woman born in the USA.

Well, a few days ago he tweeted:

President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!
President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!

Now let's see the key parts of this tweet:

"Who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete catastrophe..." - Three of them are born in the USA, Ilhan Omar obtained a US citizenship when she was just 13 so you could argue that she has grown-up in the USA. Omar is 37, 24 years of her life she has been a USA citizen so it is evident she has spent the majority of her life in the USA.

Trump also told them to "go back".

And may I repeat that three of them are born in the USA. So where are they going to go back to? The USA? Where they are in the first place? And if you even dare think of using the argument:

"BuT tHeIr PaReNtS aRe ImMiGrAnTs"

So is Trump's mother. She was born in Scotland. So because Trump's mother is born in Scotland that makes him a second-generation immigrant. So if he is telling three American born women to "go back" because their parents happen to be born somewhere else then why doesn't he realise his own mother is Scottish?

I wonder what in Trump's teeny-tiny brain, differs those three American born women, those four American citizens, and him... Their parents are immigrants, Trump's mother is an immigrant... Could it be skin colour? I'm not going to beat about the bush about it: yes.

Now Trump used the phrase "go back" which is a classic racist phrase 101. I've seen many racist people in my time, say, "go back" to people who are even born in my country (England) but because they have darker skin, or because they look different (basically they don't look white) to the racist person, they'll get told "go back". Or it even happens where a white person will get told to "go back" because they speak with a foreign accent! Racism 101 people!

Where do does Trump expect these four American citizens to go back to? America? He called the place(s) where they "came from crime-infested". Well three of them are born in America so, they are from America like I am from England. So is he calling America crime-infested?

As I said previously, Trump's mother is an immigrant. Obviously, Trump considers himself American considering he's the American president. But for Trump to tell these four American citizens to "go back", that raises the question: Does he consider them to be American?

Three of them are born in America for crying out loud. One is not born in America but she has been an American citizen for If they're not American what are they? Yes, they have immigrant parents, but so does Trump. He considers himself American but doesn't seem to consider these 4 congresswomen American. Is it because they don't look like him? Yes. What else can it be?

And would he ever tell his wife, who is born in Slovenia to "go back"? I don't think so. He's married to her, she's the first lady of the USA, I don't think he's going to tell her to "go back". But he tells three American born women of colour to go back, and one Somalian born woman of colour, who has been an American citizen for the majority of her life to "go back"? Isn't it blatant to you? Or are you in denial?

Trump also said: "viciously telling the people of the US how our government should be run." Firstly, I don't believe they are vicious. They speak loudly and strongly because they want a better future for the country they love. Their country. They're congresswomen why shouldn't they have a say in how they believe their government should be run?

Trump then went on to make this little speech:

"If tHeY wAnNa LeAvE tHeY cAn LeAvE jOhN"

The Squad: *Fight for their country and expose Trump's corruption day by day*

Trump: Go BaCk

The Squad: *Show no interest in leaving the country they love at all*

Trump: If ThEy WaNnA lEaVe ThEy CaN lEaVe"

They're not complaining. They're calling out corruption. There's a difference. You know, like the immigrant people that are being locked in cages? The children immigrant that are being separated from their parents? How they're locked up like they're monsters in those awful conditions? The inhumanity that is going on while Trump is in power? Let's not forget that!

Plus, don't you Trump zombies dare go saying: "BuT tHe ImMiGrAnTs ArE iLlEgAl tHeY cOmMitTeD a CrImE sO tHey DeSerVe WhAt Is HaPpEnInG tO ThEm."

Yes, what they may be doing is illegal but do they really deserve to be locked up in and living in conditions like that? They may have committed a crime but they're still human beings for crying out loud.

What crime have the children committed in order to gain the punishment of being separated from the adult they are with? What crime do the children commit? If somebody gets done for DUI and they happen to have children in the car with them would their children get put in prison? Would a DUI person get put in and forced to live in a filthy cage with hundreds of other people who have committed the same crime where there is barely any space to move?

President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!

Why does this child deserve that? He's clearly broken just look at his face, look at his face. He looks about 5 or 6, I have younger cousins who are this age and if I saw them as sad as that it would break my heart. That photo breaks my heart. It's fucking disgusting he's just a baby!

President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!
President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!

Imagine being stuck in conditions like this 24/7. These people will be sweating, coughing, sneezing and they'll be passing germs on to each other because they are human beings and that what human beings do, how do we know they're not getting really sick? The media don't always tell you everything. And imagine how the children will be affected by this. Adults immune systems are stronger but the children could die! Please, I am begging you, to just for a minute stop looking at these human beings as illegal immigrants and see them for human beings. A child could die in these conditions, an adult could die too or get really really sick? If someone dies in these conditions then is blood on Trump's hands? Yes!

I love how you over-privileged people can sit there and demonize these immigrants who come from poor countries, for trying to cross the border illegally. You sit there and give them all kinds of labels make them out to be monsters but have you ever stopped to question:

Why are these people doing this? Why do they want to leave their own country and risk getting arrested just to come to another country? What must be so bad in their country that they'd rather risk going to prison in America over living freely in their country? How bad must it be in their country that they flee with children as soon as they get the chance? What happens in their country for them to do this?

Not enough words can describe the inhumanity and disgusting events which are taking place here. And don't use the excuse:

"TrUmP iS eNfOrCiNg ThE lAw"

Because Trump has the power to change the law. Maybe not directly, but he is the President of the USA! Can he not make speeches on this inhumanity and persuade Congress to pass a new law where this inhumanity does not occur? No, Trump is doing the exact opposite of what a true leader would do, he's brushing inhumanity under the carpet acting like it's nothing when in actual fact people could be dying, children could be dying, that's not nothing! If Trump was a true leader, he'd be against this, but it seems to me he is perfectly okay with this. It seems like he doesn't mind if a little boy or girl could lose their life due to these disgusting conditions.

Trump is keeping quiet about this disgusting problem but, guess who isn't? The squad of women, such as AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Taleb, and Ayanna Pressley. People could be dying in their country, children could be dying in their country due to the inhumane laws which are in place. They clearly don't want to stand for corruption like this in their country! They don't want to leave what they love, especially whilst adults and children could be dying due to inhumanity, in a country in which they love. They don't want to run away from injustice and inhumanity in their country. They want to fight the injustice and inhumanity in their country, they want to end it. So no, they won't complain about it, they'll call it out and work so hard every single day to stop the inhumanity in the country they love. If they don't like things they won't leave, they'll try to change it.

In fact, AOC responded:

President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!

Boom! "We don't leave the things we love"

I love that quote.

Trump also responded by calling these women "anti-Semitic" and saying that he doesn't "have a racist bone in his body."

Again, textbook racism 101.

Racist person: *says something racist*

Racist person: Oh no, I said something racist. Shouldn't have let that thought slip. Racism is, frowned upon these days so everyone will go against me. I don't want everyone to go against ME!

Racist person: "I dOn'T hAvE a RaCiSt BoNe In My BoDy"

Racist person: HAhAhA nOw tHe LiBtArDs WiLl BeLiEvE mE

You ain't fooling anybody, apart from the majority of racist republicans except your supporters who are either:

A) Also racist

B) Just highly in denial

If you're a Trump supporter which one are you?

Moving on, Trump also accused them in a tweet of being "Anti-Semitic"

That's rich coming from Trump.

Now you little Trump bots may be sat there like: "HoW cAn tRuMp Be AnTi-SeMiTic, He LoVeS iSrAeL"

Does he? Or is he just using them as a shield to deflect his racist comment(s)?

Because the other day, I decided to watch a movie I'd been meaning to watch for a long time, and my little brother recorded it for me, BlacKkKlansman, it was a really good moving through and through and the ending was a real eye-opener:

(If you don't want to watch them talking just skip to 1:29 and watch from there to the end)

Holy... I know... That was the deepest ending to a movie I have ever seen. And the saddest thing about it is, it actually happened.

Trump said about the white supremacist side: "Not all of those people were Neo-Nazis."

They were clearly waving around the Nazi flag, and the confederate flag which represents slavery, oppression of black people, and has become a logo for the white supremacist terrorist organisation the KKK.

Those Neo-Nazis were clearly chanting: "Jews will not replace us."

What the hell?

And according to Trump, not all of those people were Neo-Nazis! Of course, they were!

How dare Trump say about those Neo-Nazis: "You also had people who were very fine people."

What is fine about someone carrying around a Nazi flag? What is fine about somebody carrying around the confederate flag? What is fine about people who chant "Jews will not replace us"? Those Nazis are sick and warped in the mind, they are the definition of evil!

That's Anti-Semitic! Where was Trump's compassion for Anti-Semitism then?

He said: "You had one side which was bad, and also one side which was very violent."

What I want to know is which side does he think was bad, and which side was very violent? He didn't tell us... I wonder why... My spidey senses are tingling and they sense racism.

And then what did that terrorist David Duke say?

"I believe this is the first step to making a realisation of something that Trump alluded to earlier in the campaign which is the first step to taking America back"

Now let's not sugarcoat this we all know what the Nazi Duke meant by this. Making America for only white people, excluding people of colour and people of other minorities including Jewish people. Now if David Nazi Duke believes that Trump alluded to that in his campaign, then isn't that saying that's Trump's campaign alluded towards white supremacy and Nazism? And if Trump did not mean for his campaign to be seen like that would he have not said that instead of referring to Neo-Nazis as "fine people?"

And we just can not forget that disgusting Pittsburgh shooting where Trump said:

" If they had protection inside, the results would have been far better."

"If they had some kind of a protection inside the temple, maybe it could have been a very much different situation."

Firstly, if gun laws were more controlled in the USA in the first place, this shooting would have not occurred! Thank heavens we don't have guns in the UK.

Secondly, what a sick thing to do. Rather than blaming the white supremacist terrorist that did the synagogue shooting for having such sick disgusting views, blame the innocent Jewish people who just wanted to pray to their God.

A synagogue is a place of worship, no weapon should be in a place of worship and peace.

Those Jewish people did nothing wrong. They have the right to pray. Yet Trump manages to pin it on them for "not having protection" they wouldn't need protection:

A) Trump could control your gun laws. Does America even need guns? Look at what they cause!

B) Trump's campaign didn't allude white supremacy and Nazism in the first place. If David Duke believed that Trump's campaign alluded such things don't you think many other white supremacists did as well?

Why wasn't Trump torn up about Anti-Semitism then? Jewish people died because of that one sick sick sick terrorist! Innocent Jewish people! They were praying trying to make a connection with their God and because of one disgusting white supremacist look what happened to them!

And Trump has the nerve to refer to the squad as Anti-Semitic?

Wake up!

I hope Trump stops abusing the term "Anti-Semitism" using it as a shield to deflect his own racism. Anti-Semitism is a real problem, he can't just use it how and when he feels like it. There will be Jewish people who are genuine victims of Anti-Semitism and Trump is just using it to protect himself!


People need to wake up! Take off your Trump mum goggles and see him for what and who he truly is! He's no leader! His career was bought by small loans of a million dollars from his father.

Why does any of this concern me by the way?

Let Corbyn explain why:

President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!

I'm from the UK. I love the UK, it's my favourite place to be because it is my country and my home. I am a British citizen. By the way, I've been told on this website that I'm "definitely not British" by somebody who admitted they were a racist and thought it was something to be proud of because they are sick in the head.

Anyway, I'm British, I love our country and I love our NHS. I was born in an NHS hospital for crying out loud, and they have served me well, giving me splints (leg brace) which I wore on my left foot because of my diplegia. It was an operation done by the NHS which stopped me from being a toewalker and gave me the ability to put my left foot flat on the ground, I'm not fully healed but I'm much better it was when I was younger and I am thankful for that.

They've helped so much with my brother's asthma and eczema. The NHS gave my brother and father the inhalers they needed. They gave my brother the skin creams needed for his eczma.

When my mother was pregnant with me, the NHS helped her get through her pregnancy. And when my mother was pregnant with my little brother the NHS helped her get through her pregnancy with him.

My dad got an operation which helped him so much, on the NHS.

And my best friend is getting an operation on her knee which is going to make a difference to her life on the NHS.

You cannot put a price on our NHS.

And we do not need to bargain our NHS with a man as sick and twisted as Trump. We cannot let him corrupt our NHS, if anything our NHS needs funding. Cuts have been made to the NHS while MPs give themselves raises, our doctors and nurses are so overworked it's not fair on them! And our juniour doctors were ignored by a now Tory leadership candidate Jeremy Hunt.

We cannot bargain our NHS with Trump. We won't. The NHS belongs to us, the British public, so we can have the right to free healthcare, not Trump so he can squeeze it for every penny he can!

If you cannot see that Trump is a racist, bigotted, idiot, then you are either:

A) Also racist and bigotted

or B) Severevly in denial

I'm begging you all to wake up! Please!

President Trump Racism Row And Inhumanity: Wake Up People!
60 Opinion