American Politics or Cancer, which is worse?


Well, there are so many factors to consider that this might be difficult to bring the point across. Also, this is my first mytake, but literally nobody cares. Let's get right to it.

American politics, the equivalent of cancer. So much social change on the table and yet society seems to be getting sicker. Why is that? It seems using the wrong buzz word might instantly shut someone off from someone else's perspective. Feminism! Nah get outta here snowflake. Trump! Nah suck my left leaning toe you racist. I believe the bigger issue in politics is perspective, and it's why I chose to label myself as a centrist. Whatever your views are, here me out, and meet me in the middle, perhaps we may both learn something.

It's strange how we seem to deify politicians, never mind that Trump openly spoke against racism, he is the personification of racism according to the left. Much like how the ancient Greeks refer to Zues as the God of the Sky, even though we know he spent much of his time on the ground, getting laid.

Another example. Barack Obama, the real and true enemy of the religious conservatives, a Muslim seeking to destroy America, even though we know America is still around yee hawing as ever. Oh, and he is a Christian.

This is the idea I would like to touch on. Individual perspective. It's fair to say that I don't know you, and you would be right. It would also be fair to say that we all, at some point in time, have not always been intellectually honest with ourselves, and the world around us. Is that our fault in the realm of politics? As someone who has worked in government before, you truly don't know what goes on behind the scenes until you really see it for yourself. A lot of people adamantly claim to know things they don't actually know. "I can fix the economy!" Well have you taken an economics class? "I will be the voice of all women and minorities!" Well have you actually spoken with every single one of them? When speaking to people on their views, you will find that they are very unique from each other. Which brings me to my next point/rant.

Political parties. We might as well call them what they are, cults. It doesn't necessarily matter what your name is as a politician, what matters is if you drink the cup of the donkey, or the cup of the elephant. And this in turn, is why America is so divided. I would like to bring up an example to illustrate the point. Tomi Lahren, whether you agree with her stance or not is not what I want to convey. She was fired from The Blaze, and American conservative media company (the fact I had to put conservative ironically adds to the point), over her views on abortion to which Glenn Beck was not a fan over. This was back in 2017 if I remember correctly. Now, please tell me why, someone who identifies as a conservative or a liberal can't agree with a view on the "opposite" side? I know someone will bring up the point that The Blaze is a private company and not government, but let us be honest for a second, if Bernie Sanders made the claim that he was actually pro-life, do you really think the Democratic party would keep him around?

I believe that the political system needs to revolve around the unique perspectives of individuals and their views on how the system should operate. Views that should be unique to themselves, and not unique to a political party or entity. Because, when you start looking through the lens of left vs right, you fail to see the spectrum that people are actually on. Perhaps that's why less people are voting now in days, including myself. I personally feel like there isn't a politician that represents my views so I don't vote. I'm also not interested in being lied to.

But maybe I missed something? What are your thoughts?


Tomi Lahren and Glenn Beck

Less people voting, wut?

American Politics or Cancer, which is worse?
17 Opinion