A Day Which Will Go Down In British History: Justice Has Been Served

Today justice has been served. I am proud of the judges in the Supreme Court as a British citizen, and a law student. Today will go down in British history, and I am so thankful that justice has been served.

A Day Which Will Go Down In British History: Justice Has Been Served

What Happened Today Then?

Boris Johnson was planning to shut down the British Parliament for five weeks which sparked major controversy in Britain. Many people viewed shutting down parliament as undemocratic because if something major was to happen in Britain MPs would not have a vote or a say on whatever is happening. Many viewed it as a way of silencing MPs.

Not so long ago, England's higher court stated that shutting down Parliament was lawful because they believed it was a political matter, one in which the courts should not interfere in as a judge's decision has to be completely independent without external influences.

However, the Scottish court disagreed, and stated suspending Parliament was unlawful because it had the "improper purpose of stymieing Parliament" in the vital period the Brexit deadline: 31st October 2019.

Today was the day when the Supreme Court would determine whether the suspending of Parliament was lawful or unlawful.

And today, the Supreme Court of the UK has ruled the government shut down of Parliament as illegal.

My Opinion As a Law Student on The Matter

I am so thankful to the judges of the UK Supreme Court that they made this decision.

Because if Boris Johnson had gotten away with this, then I as a British citizen and many other British citizens would feel like Boris Johnson is above the law. Like it's one rule from him and one rule for the rest of us. And that goes against the definition of the rule of law - that everybody in Britain, regardless of their position, is equal in the eyes of the law.

The other night, I was watching Question Time and one person which stood out to me was this man in the audience who asked this question with such frustration and anger in his voice (which didn't surprise me at all): "If Boris Johnson doesn't care about the law, then why should I?" And the rest of the audience applauded him greatly.

And to be honest, even I - even though I'm a Law student - was thinking the same thing.

And if Boris Johnson got away with this then what example is that setting to the youth of our UK? That the Prime Minister of the UK can get away with breaking the law just because he wants to get a job done? In that case, would it make it okay for everybody else to break to get a job done? What would even be the point in me, the students in my Law class, and any other Law student in the UK studying 'Law' if not even our government care about it and can get away with breaking it?

In my opinion, the government's theme song should be that song which goes: 'I broke the law and the law won'

But the fact that the amazing judges in the UK supreme court deemed the suspension of Parliament as illegal shows us that the rule of law is still in place and that nobody - not even the Prime Minister - sits above the law.

And the sorry excuse for a PM we have, Boris Johnson, (quote him) "strongly disagrees" with the decision of the supreme court. So- our PM disagrees with the law because it doesn't suit his agenda? That doesn't surprise me at all, the selfish buffoon doesn't care about anything except himself, and he is already getting urged to resign.

I think he should resign- do we want somebody who has broken the law to run the UK? Nope.

I dare anybody to defend him, I mean if you do, it will be written on here forever (because a digital footprint is never deleted) that you supported a law-breaking PM. It's up to you.

Anyway, I am more than satisfied because justice has been served and the PM got slapped with:

A) The Law

B) Equality

Thank you for reading this MyTake! :) <3

A Day Which Will Go Down In British History: Justice Has Been Served
Post Opinion