The Golden Rule is Not Enough


I've had this discussion with my coworkers for a few days now and I'm trying to convince them that the Golden Rule is actually pretty bad. Why?

What is the Golden Rule? It comes in different forms but it always goes along the lines of

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

It sounds great but when you get to the nitty and gritty of it, it really doesn't.

First, the Golden Rule assumes the way you want to be treated is the best way to treat others. We all know for a fact that our definitions of being treated well are different from one another. For example, and I know this is a bit polarizing but, if you fundamentally think that eating meat is how you want to be treated, try doing that to a vegan.

Next, since it makes us assume and therefor leads to becoming self-centered. Increased levels of self-focus can become unhealthy, and in turn leads lesser awareness of others. This goes against an implied meaning of the Golden Rule where it tries to teach harmony. It actually works against it.

Last, it doesn't promote diversity. If others liked what you would do unto you, and others abide by that then you may condition yourself into a group-think situation - it sounds like a bad idea, but the group likes it, therefore it must be good. Diversity goes against the rule because the whole world isn't like you.

I propose instead that you follow the Platinum Rule instead

Treat others the way they want to be treated.

This way, we embrace individuality, respect each other's difference, and leads to a more self-less attitude.

The Golden Rule is Not Enough

#platinumrule #leadership

The Golden Rule is Not Enough
10 Opinion