Why INCELs are shooting schools.

So I've changed A LOT in mindset since first joining 1 year ago.

However, I still take an interest in incel groups as I did then. I don't want to make new followers uncomfortable with this Take, but it just dawned on me why this is happening while watching a news clip that was playing at a takeout place I frequent.

Pay no mind to Fox News
Pay no mind to Fox News

Incels are extremely jealous people, and they understand that children are born from people who date and get married, or at least have sex. Arguably, this is the basis of all sexual attraction and flirting (different topic and point though).

But, if you were a terrorist group and you wanted to damage or defeat your enemy what do you do? It's so obvious. You wipe out the gene pool by killing the offspring before they get a chance to reproduce, thereby permanently ending that bloodline unless they have more kids -- which could be painful or impossible post menopause.

This was Darwin's whole theory of natural selection. People often think it was 'survival of the fittest' but it's really survival up until reproduction. Species last over time by reproducing, even if they are poorly suited to their environments.

One example if this would be white people in Australia. Light skin is the worst kind for near equator living due to low melanin levels meaning more damaged causes by UV sunlight. But, they keep having babies with light skin, and so the poorly adapted genes continue, even thrive.

Could also use spiders as an example. Often the female spider eats the male after sex. Literally kills him and eats him. But since she has babies, the gene is passed on -- regardless of how dumb it might be.

So, incels hate attractive people pretty much as I understand it. Undermining their bloodline is the one snd only way to kill off an entire gene-pool in one swoop. It's actually what male lions do after taking over a new pride. In any case, this is my thought on why school shooting keep being carried out.

Okay. This will be my last Take on such negative and dreary topics. I like the ones about things like edible jello sand much more. xD 🤪

Why INCELs are shooting schools.
Post Opinion