How Did Saving The Libraries Go?

We managed to do it! We won! We were able to win the council over, and they've now requested more funding from central government because they refuse to make library cuts when they know how dependent members of our community in our city are on libraries.


Or that's what I would have liked it to turn out.


We didn't do it. We lost. We weren't able to win the council over. And they're not going to request more funding from central government because they probably know they're not going to get any. So they're making the library cuts despite members of our community in our city being dependent on the library.


So what's going to happen to our libraries now?

Well, the plan was to cut paid library staff, and replace them with volunteers. Now in theory that doesn't sound so bad, but in reality...

- Firstly, job losses from paid library staff- I hope whoever's lost their job has found a new one.

- If there aren't enough volunteers to run the library on a particular day, they'll close it early. So whoever is using the library at that time will be told to leave.

- If there aren't enough people willing to volunteer in a particular library- even though members of the public need it, it will be closed down.

Yesterday I was talking to some kid from one of my classes, and he was telling me that his library has already been replaced with volunteers and luckily for him it isn't actually too bad, I mean he was telling me that because he hasn't had a computer or internet at home for a long time- he has relied on the library for stuff like studying.

I don't know if this is true or not but apparently in one of the financially wealthier areas of our city, their library got a very large amount of money spent on it. I don't know if I am allowed to tell you the exact figure or not, I'm assuming not considering it isn't published anywhere- but let's just say it got a lot of money spent on it.

If that is true, then there is a huge funding inequality right there. Why is it that some libraries are getting their staff cut, yet others get a whopping amount of money spent on them?

The only thing I can think of, is if there was something really unsafe about that building so they needed to spend money on fixing that something.

I don't know guys.

I mean at least we tried, got staff striking, put up a good fight... But I guess the reality of the world is that the good causes don't always win.

And pretty soon, I have another meeting with that group I was with who were trying to prevent the cuts- so I guess I'll see what they have to say, and if there's some kind of way to claw back from this or not.

Like I said guys, I don't really know, I'm just some kid who decided to team up with them because an old man was telling me about the cuts and got me to sign his petition on the way home from college, and I wanted to help prevent those cuts, so I'm usually the last to know about everything.

And at the meetings I don't really say anything, I just listen because everyone is older and smarter than me- I mean put one way, I'm the only teenager there and the next youngest person is 24 so that's 7 years older than meπŸ˜‚

But I'll see what they'll have to say at the next meeting, see if we can do something else about this, or see if there's another cause which we can try and fight for considering we couldn't win this one...

You can't win them all.

How Did Saving The Libraries Go?
Post Opinion