My Conservative perception of the real face of Climate Change!

Considering how massively the current corona virus outbreak has enveloped global interests and attentions, we might just as well, while we wait this out, vary ourselves and speak of other contemporary issues.

Before Covid-19 the biggest, "crisis", to occupy media and politics has been the matter of climate change. Heavily politicized, this issue's discourse has been very toxic on both sides of the spectrum, with people denying the existence of global warming all together, and other alarmists claiming we are on the precipice of a, "the day after tomorrow", scenario, demanding tremendous measures and collective action to be taken. As a conservative politician I reject both these sides as completely unsubstantiated by facts.

So, my take on this whole matter is as follows:

1, Facts of the matter!
According to the IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, global warming is an established fact and has been estimated around 50% as imposed by mankind. There is a scientific consensus around the reality of global warming as presented also by NASA wherein all agree that we do in fact face a change of the climate, as mankind has experienced before.

Now, also according to the established science, the effects of global warming are not equal to a catastrophic end of civilization. Far, far from it. Over the course of centuries it has been estimated that we will see a rise in water levels, more frequent storms, reduced levels of ice glaciers and changes in precipitation patterns, but these changes are not consistent globally. Some areas will be affected less than others, some in other ways, water levels will supposedly have risen by 1-4 feet by year 2100.
Overall, the conclusion is as quoted: "Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time."
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Which is a way of saying that due to how much more mankind is building nowadays, and how much more money the civilization we currently inhabit costs, natural occurrences will cost more to repair. This neither supports deniers in their cynicism nor confirms the alarmists scare and shame-tactics.

Furthermore, if we are to take a simple example such as, hurricanes, who according to scientific estimates are growing more numerous, stronger and more intense because of climate change, observing statistics seem to not back this up. Considering that data from 1990-2018 displays that the peak of number of hurricanes came in 2005 and has since then not exceeded 15 per year. Nor has the number of deaths aggravated, and of course, oft times scientific estimates have been found exaggerated, such as WHO who recently published a correction on the fatality rate on Corona previously said to be higher.

2, The populist hysteria!
Of course, one cannot mention the climate change issue without talking about young Great Thunberg. As a Swede myself I knew her before she ventured out, and I know her mother, Malena Ernman, is a known leftist icon here. While I hold not hatred for this young woman, I'm sure she means well, I actually feel sorry for he, she is a child, and is being exploited in the name of a political agenda. A 17 year old girl whose entire platform is running around screaming at adults that they're not doing what she wants them to do. And those who support her gush over her supposed bravery and importance, and when dissidents raise objections to her arguments and agenda, they are leveled with accusations of bullying a kid, "Oh how can you not listen to this child, this poor child, these are the children who're speaking, they're wiser than all of us". This is the bottom line, you're not supposed to listen to an angry child. An angry child should have no say in anything on global matters anymore than their allowance money. And what the left loves to do is put a symbol on a stage with which to beat down on those who disagree with them for political gain with pseudo-moralistic stances.

When actually analyzing what Greta wants, because reasonably if she's saying all the adults are doing it wrong she must have some suggestion on what to actually do, we find an absolutely insane agenda. Thunberg has officially declared that emissions aren't to be reduced, they are to stop, and we can't talk about a 0% net worth, but a real 0%. In essence, she along with the children she *claims* to speak for, "demands", that we shut down the entire economy of the world. And immediately stop all use of fossil fuels on governmental, institutional and organizational level. This* would be a day after tomorrow scenario, this would be catastrophe. And absolutely no serious scientific platform or individual, not even those politicians who wholeheartedly support her, would ever implement it. Because it's lunacy.

3, What we should do!
What we can and should do is mitigating carbon dioxide emissions, and implement measures that are reasonable for sustainable energy and green living. In my party, we have suggestions of raising punishments for environmental crimes, raise taxes on environmentally harmful activities, increase the possibility for countries and companies to phase out toxicity from everyday items such as clothes, cosmetics and electronics and protect the ecosystem of the Baltic sea.

And on to the subject of displacing blame. Thunberg is strangely silent on the emissions and activities on eastern nations, such as China, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan etc. Whilst projecting her anger and famous line, "how dare you", solely unto western nations. But how does that hold up factually? Not at all as it turns out. The US were the greatest reducers of carbon emissions last year, along with the EU, while statistically, 80% of all raised emissions came from Asia.

4, Conclusion!
This issue has inspired a lot of symbolic politics which I unreservedly find useless. It has driven a lot of political platforms for green parties although in the wake of previous elections, such European parties have done extremely poorly., because they offer no real and reasonable solutions, merely alarmist attitudes, shame-tactics, symbolic gestures such as an airway tax in the least flight-trafficked nation in the EU. And on the other spectrum it has spurred conspiracy theorists to decry the existence of global warming and blatantly display aversion to any proof whatsoever.
This mytake has revolved around the theme of always looking to the facts, to lean on reason and not emotion, concrete measures and not political symbolism, and an open and intellectually honest discourse.

My Conservative perception of the real face of Climate Change!
My Conservative perception of the real face of Climate Change!
Post Opinion