Inferiority complex

Inferiority complex is something I always wanted to talk about because it's somehing people think about sub-conciously but aren't brave enough to say it. No topic should be kept sacred because it makes the matter worse. As insecurities are something that keep building to something dangerous.

Personally, my life is full of insecure people, who treat me like a competition, even though I don't want to compete with them.

Insecure people will always project their insecurities on you. Insecure people will make you feel guilty just for being better than them.

It's a bit like lazy people making hard working people feel guilty for being successful, even though they earned that success. Hence, they have the right to enjoy that success.

Insecure people will often use the term "lucky" whenever they praise successful people even if they work 16 years hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year.

The word "lucky" is an insult to a person's hard work. The term "lucky" is an attempt to discredit a person's hard work of a lifetime.

I still remember lazy students called A star students "lucky" even though those A star students were studying all year whilst the rest were partying.

Regardless of how independent learning they did all year sacrificing all their social life, their class fellows still reach the conclusion that the stars must have aligned for them.

Inferiority complex
Inferiority complex
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