Winter is Coming. For Real, Are You Ready?


Yes, it's an overused GOT trope, I really couldn't find a better to put it. Winter is coming and I don't mean the weather. Bills are coming due, debts have to be paid. What do I mean? I am going to discuss 3 major things that are about to happen, none of them good.

References will be below.

Winter is Coming. For Real, Are You Ready?

The first thing, evictions. We have enjoyed a Federal moratorium mandate preventing land and property owners from evicting people for the last year and a half. Some couldn't pay, others wouldn't pay. Here's reality. There are 30 to 40 MILLION evictions on the docket. Yeah, sure some states have their own moratoriums that last a bit longer, but they will not last much longer. Rent, Mortgages, leases all come due and they are about to, for 30 to 40 million American families. Sure some are single person dwellings, many are multiple people dwellings. Many people have accrued so much debt, that there will be no way to pay it off when the knock comes to the door.

This is going to be a crisis, we're looking at roughly 10% of the population being made homeless in a very short period of time. So if you have continued to pay your debts, good for you. Those who haven't are going to be in a world of hurt.

This also indicates that bankruptcies are going to overwhelm the system, so it's going to take years to settle this out for many people. Watch out, it's going to get ugly.

Winter is Coming. For Real, Are You Ready?

Next, Unemployment AND a labor shortage. I do not remember a time where this was the case ever, in history. Somehow, there are 9 million unfulfilled jobs and yet unemployment remains high. The fact is that enhanced unemployment ends Sept. 6, 2021. Someone on unemployment is going to roughly get half of what they are getting now, if they continue to get anything at all. The program is ending soon. And there are 9.2 million people currently on unemployment. You get that, 9 million unfulfilled jobs, 9.2 million receiving unemployment. Whatever you may thing about that, the fact of the matter is this is an artificially created situation and it's about to end, in September. I don't know what's going to happen with that because I have no historical reference for it, but I know it's not good. The government cannot fix it this time. The bill is due, there will be no more money. The government is on pace to vastly outspend itself by 21% approximately, from last year. There is only so much money you can print, borrow or steal. The free money is coming to an end. And people are going to be hurting, badly.

Add to this the absurd pace of inflation and the fact that the Fed has continued to artificially keep interest rates near zero, and there is disaster looming. I don't see a pressure release valve and there is a finite amount of money the government can ram into the economy. It's going to get ugly.

Third thing. China. I don't know how many of you pay attention to what is going on in international affairs, but China is becoming an ever increasing threat. And not just because they manufacture the bulk of U.S. goods. The biggest problem of all is they are lining up to take Taiwan.

Taiwan is critical for many, many reasons, not the least of which China will cease control of the bulk of the world's microchip manufacturing. For those of you who don't know, China thinks Taiwan is there's and the rest of the world disagrees. China is currently lining up their military to strike Taiwan. It's not a matter of if, but when they make their move. That means war, period. It doesn't much matter what you think of American interventionism. This history goes back to WW2 and Chinese aggression on Taiwan means war. And China is moving and encroaching on Taiwan more and more everyday. The last 6 months, China has ramped up its military readiness and war game scenario as well as moving troops and military resources into strategic positions for attack readiness more so now than ever before. Not even during the cold war has China increased its pressure on Taiwan like it has lately. For many reasons, this means war. Whether or not you like it or agree with it, it will be war. And it will be a very ugly war. Iraq, with no disrespect to our fighting men and women, will look like a paintball fight. Japan is also getting ready and is upping it's military preparedness swearing to protect Taiwan at all costs. The U.S. and China have been escalating rhetoric and trading 'war game' activities in the Pacific and the South China Sea. If I were a betting man, I would put my money on China to move when the U.S.'s multiple crisis's are in full swing as mentioned above. And there is growing concern that the U.S. is not ready, not even close to ready to deal with China and Taiwan, we are at a disadvantage and it could cost us dearly. China is ready, the U.S. is not. Not my analysis, this is the analysis many military brass are increasingly sounding the alarm on. It's actually a problem this is not made up. Feel free to look at all this stuff yourself, don't take my word for it.

Winter is Coming. For Real, Are You Ready?

So what's this all mean? Well, it means we are in for a bad time. Obviously, for anybody who is paying attention, these are not the only crisis's going on. There's the border, crime, increasing chances of more lockdowns, etc. It's going to get ugly. I highlighted 3 things I think is going to have the biggest impact and maybe these crisis's will subvert and cure the other crisis's by default. But who knows? The facts are that all these things are going to happened at roughly the same time and it's going to get bad fast. Not in one day, not in a week, but from the start of August to December, it looks like its gonna be rough and if you can be, be ready. We ultimately don't know what's going to happen, but what we can glean with a certain degree of accuracy it's going to get bad. Things are going to go terribly wrong for a lot of people. It's time for the truth to collect the debt on the lies we've been telling ourselves for the past couple of years. . We won't much care about how messed up our dating life is, when we are struggling. And we will all feel it to some degree or another. Obviously, if you haven't been paying bills, you need to worry more.

We've been all consumed on things that don't matter and kept our eye off the ball and it's about to bounce. I can't use enough metaphors to stress how ugly this scene looks. Buckle up, it's going to be a rough ride...

References (not a complete list):



China War Games

Winter is Coming. For Real, Are You Ready?
10 Opinion