Did you know the national debt is increasing by almost two million dollars a minute, which is over $700 a day PER PERSON?

Did you know the national debt is increasing by almost two million dollars a minute, which is over $700 a day per person?

The Federal government spends $250,000 of your money ON TOP of what you already pay taxes every year. That's $250,000 a year that my generation is going to have to pay back.

The "Democrats" want to increase it. More and more and more. And that's why I can't believe anyone who is sane and Informed is actually voting for them.

Imagine if the ballot said "increase my taxes by $250,000 a year and/or make my kids pay an extra $500,000 plus interest"

You wouldn't vote for that.
Trump wouldn't seem so bad.

No sane and well-informed voter could still vote for the Democrats. Even if you don't think fair trials matter, $250,000 a year, on top of what we pay in taxes, per person, including babies.... !?!

Would you really vote for the people who want to INCREASE that? Like that isn't enough already? That's fucking crazy.

That hurts people way more than Covid. Especially young people. My Gramma was the mayor of her town for decades. She told me she wanted to abolish social security so I didn't have to pay for her to eat. I was horrified, but she said it was the right thing to do. And, she said that $170 a month didn't pay for shit. She literally drove to the store to buy me breakfast.

Would you really vote to charge me $500,000 a year on top of taxes? My Gramma wouldn't.

That's not going to work out. They don't pay me like that. That will actually destroy our country.

I think that is their goal. Bridges don't cost $2,000,000 a minute in maintenance. Like.. common sense people!

That is absolutely insane.

You don't want to pay my rent, and I don't blame you.

So, why would you vote for the "Democrats" who want to spend $250,000 a year of your money on top of the 28 trillion we already owe, and what you already pay in taxes?!?

That's TWO MILLION dollars of your money by the end of a four-year term. Do you have Two Million Dollars?!?

I don't either.

We already owe $80,000,000 per person. EIGHTY MILLION. And most of us don't have that kind of money.

So, why would anyone in their right mind vote to increase it by $250,000 a year when the average person makes $31,000?!?

This is why I assume anyone who votes for them gets their information from CNN and ABC and doesn't do their own math.

So your own research, it doesn't add up. It doesn't make any sense at all. We need to stop illegal immigration, stop government spending, and cut the military. The Democrats do the exact opposite. And it costs everyone in the country $250,000 a year which is 8 times the average income.

How can you spend EIGHT times as much money as you make?!? YOU can't! That's absolutely insane, it's doomed to go horribly wrong. I'm not a certified accountant but, my Gramma was. And let me tell you, that's not fiscally responsible.

It hasn't worked so far. It couldn't possibly. So I think, anyone still voting for that crap and expecting a different result is insane. By definition. Absolutely bat shit crazy.

Me, I'm not crazy. I'm just good at math.

That's the real reason they want to lock me up.

But seriously, how could anyone actually vote to INCREASE that spending? And... You think they are going to a Two Million dollars a minute MAINTAINING BRIDGES?!?

Please, tell me how people think that makes sense and go vote democrat. Cus I really can't wrap my head around it.

Did you know the national debt is increasing by almost two million dollars a minute, which is over $700 a day PER PERSON?
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