How I think the "me too movement" has harmed everyone.


so first of all, i wanna make crystal clear that i am absolutely for the premise of that movement. if you are a victim of rape, you should take legal action and not just be quiet and keep it a secret so the rapist gets away unpunished.

so having that out of the way, i think that this movement did harm to everyone of us. so i'll now try to make an argument for every group of people that were harmed by this movement and how. this is my opinion and how i see things. you're free to disagree and to tell me how bullshit what i said is in the comments, IF you have arguments that are constructive and informative and not just insults.

1. How "me too" harmed women

First of all i wanna point out the most ironic factor. The me too movement was "mostly" considered a movement for women to help the "phyiscally weaker gender" that is statisticaly raped slightly more often than men. men suffer from rape too and there are some cases where men spoke up in the me too movement but i think we can all agree that it was mostly a movement for women.

so i think by encouraging people to publicly and openly announce that you were raped and by publickly praising the courage that one needs to do that, you create a sort of "hero" role. i am not trying to take away from the fact that this takes courage and that this is a difficult thing for everyone to do. BUT: i think this glorifies the "corageous woman that comes out as a rape victim" which psychologically creates a very morbid way for people to gain attention and validation by publicly announcing that horrible thing that happened to them loud and proud as if everyone should have such a story and be public about it.

here's an idea of mine. maybe i'm alone in this. but i think, if you were raped, that is a horrible thing and you should definitely not be silent and let the rapist get away with what they did to you. go to the police and take legal action... but i think it is very inappropriate to be loud and proud and public like "oh look at me, i was raped. poor poor me"... that's just wrong in my eyes. it's a morbid way of getting attention and validation. and not a good way to cope with this situation that you suffered.

so how does this harm women? well look at all the women abusing the "me too" movement to throw shit at men (usually celebs) for their personal gain and without actually having suffered rape. i think it did a lot of damage to the female gender roll overall. and it did cause a sort of desensitization of the rape topic in the public. rape is a serious and horrible thing. and we souldn't normalize it by showing it in the media so much that people get the feeling that this is "normal" and "it just happens to everyone" as some bullshit studies proclaiming "rape culture", saying 1 in 5 girls is raped, which is just plainly false.

on top of that it makes women very careful and confused as to where is the exact point at which it becomes rape. consequently making them scared of the most beautiful thing in the world, which is having sex with a partner that you love. i'm sure there are hard to decide fringe cases but i feel like these days women come out with rape accusations after they had regrettable drunk sex with some guy (there's even lots of court cases where that was the case). making some things "rape" where previously not even close to be considered a sexual offense in any way.

all that combined does in my opinion harm women by reducing the publicly percieved severety and cruelty of actual violent rape and belittles those few that had to suffer through that.

2. How "me too" harmed men

i think it comes as a surprise to nobody that men don't typically want to rape a woman. typically men want to express their feelings towards a woman and get mutual physical and emotional validation through the act of sexual intercourse. even if it is not happening in the context of a commited relationship.

so i don't think i need to tell you how complicated female sexuality can be for men. men typically are more easy around sex. they don't consider so many long term plans and social contexts. they just live in the moment and just wanna have some mutual fun. their physical and emotiona arousal works more easily thanin women due to hormonal differences to women. for women way more emotional things play a role that men don't really know how to navigate and sometimes female signals are just confusing as heck to them. but since they are the "man", they gotta take the "dominant" part cause women won't just jump on their dick, if they sit around and do nothing right?

so considering what i said in point 1, men that don't wanna rape a woman will have to be even more carefull now. because the slightest mistake can lead to rape accusations, which can have a seriously bad impact on their entire life. cause even just the accusations will fuck you up, even if you win a court case showing that you didn't actually rape her.

How I think the me too movement has harmed everyone.

This image goes to show the contradictory and confusing bullshit men THAT DON'T WANT TO RAPE A WOMAN BUT STILL WANT SEX have to put up with now. if "a woman getting naked with a man in private without him forcing her to" isn't permission, then what the fuck is "permission" supposed to look like?! do men have to make women sign a formally written contract of consent before engaging in any sexual action now? how is that supposed to be fun for everyone involved?!

this also goes back around to women and harms women. because since more "sexually assertive" men will have more success with women, it's typically those that would rape a woman are less carefull, getting more success, making it even more likely for women to suffer actual rape.

so what do you think? do you think i had a few coherent and true thoughts here or am i just full of shit?

How I think the "me too movement" has harmed everyone.
1 Opinion