Why This Whole "Black Pill" Thing Is Nonsense

After having reviewed over 10 videos created by Wheat Waffles, I thought that many of them were useful and straight-to-the-point, ala honest. Well, it turns out that the whole "blackpilling" thing is total bologne. Your life is not determined exclusively by your physical looks. Your looks only compose 60% of your dating/social/business lifestyle, but your intelligence (30%) and your flexibility (20%) are a few others to keep in mind.

Big Bang Theory
Big Bang Theory

We have come to a point where natural beauty has virtually went out of style thanks to the rise in Kardashian/Bieber Society. Contrary to popular belief, men (and women, too) with natural beauty, charming personality and moderately-conservative social attitudes are more attractive than those who wear extreme makeup/tattoos, do drugs/smoke/drink, and embrace political/religious views on either extreme end.

The food you eat also affects your looks, unless of course, you are part of the "Black Pill" cult 😏

To be fair, I don't believe in Red Pill or Blue Pill either when it comes to relationships and friendships. Whatever God intended is best is what naturally will happen.

Even if you don't believe in God, if you dress nice, respect proper social etiquettes and abide by hygienical practices, and manage to smile (not too hard) and especially work out at the gym and/or participate in an afterschool activity or social college club, you'll have the opportunity to make a good friend, even a romantic partner.

Why This Whole "Black Pill" Thing Is Nonsense
Post Opinion